Kindergarten Age

My daughter was born in late December. We will have the option to either send her to school when she is four or to keep her home for the year and send her at five. I'm looking for some guidance from mom's who have had to make the same decision. 


Clothing Sale

Does anyone know when the next huge kids' clothing yardsale at FHS is? I thought there is on in the spring? 


Preschool VS Daycare

I was wondering if preschool is any different than a daycare centre? My son is in a full time daycare centre that we think is fantastic. However, I was wondering if he is missing out on anything that may help him be more prepared for school. For example are there preschools in the area that have a higher education and training requirements for their employees? Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Toddler Dry Hair

My two-year old has extremely dry hair. Her hair is very short and I believe that the dryness is causing the slow growth. What can I use to restore moisture to her dry hair. Nothing seems to work. 

Hello moms, i am moving to Fredericton and I don't know anyone there. We are moving in May and will need a full-time daycare for my 2 year old daughter at that time. I also expecting a second one that will be in daycare next January. I am looking for a certified center for my oldest. For the second one, I have more time to organize, but i don't mind having to go at 2 daycare. I would prefer the South side.

Anyone having an opinion or suggestions? thank you all.

Do you need a referral for an OB/GYN or can you just call the clinic and make an appointment yourself?? My doctors office is over an hour away 

Hello mommies!

I'm living in Fredericton at the moment with my husband, both of us are in school again continuing our respective studies. I have found out i am expecting and am looking for recommendations for a midwife, where to go for ultrasound/check-ups, pre-nantal classes, pre-natal yoga etc... this is my first pregnancy so i am a newbie and don't know Fredericton too well. Any help is appreciated :) 

Hey ladies, we're new to the area and were wondering what faciliities are available for pre and afterschool care in Fredericton? Thank you! 
