Welcome to Fredericton Moms and Babies

Hello Fredericton Moms!!! This site is for you. Post your opinions, tips, and Questions or Advice for other moms, Read Articles about sex, health, and babies, join or start a Walking Group or Playgroup, view and post Classifieds & Free Samples listings, and more.

I hope you enjoy this resource, feel free to tell us about you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Great idea ! i have been looking for a mom and baby group or even just a couple of moms getting together to chat in our area also ..
i am a young stay at home mom of a 9 month old baby girl, we live on a street off Hanwell road about 20 mins from fredericton
Can't wait to hear from you ..

Candace (Summer's Mum)

J MacKenzie said...

Hi Candace! Welcome. I have an almost 18 month old son Austin, and and almost 3 month old Olivia.

Anonymous said...

Wow! that must be a handful ..
None of our friends have children unfortunately ... that's why it's so nice to talk to you, another mom . I added you to my MSN..so I will TTYL

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic idea!! I've been looking for something like this. None of my friends have children. I am also a young stay at home mom to my (almost) 4 month old son Jackson. I live in Burtt's Corner, about half an hour outside Fredericton. Looking forward to hearing from you!


MomOf4 said...

Hi Ladies:

Soon to be mom of 4 here. Nice to see a site for moms here in Freddy. I live in Southwood Park, right in Fredericton, but I'm from Halifax. Our children are 14, 10 and 1(Jan 29th), and due April 2nd. Feel free to add me to your MSN if you like. dartmouthsunflower@hotmail.com

J MacKenzie said...

Hi Karen! How do you feel having your kids so far apart? Do you have boys or girls? Do you know what youre having this time? Im located on the N side of f'ton by the way ;)

Anonymous said...

hey Karen and Cassie, i definitely think we should get something together for us moms , i can sympathize with you cassie since i also live outside of town, both of you should add me to msn if ya like Karen: Congrajulations!..you must have ur hands quite full !!


Hay-Busson said...

I just found your site info on coolriot.com, I think it's a great idea. I am a mom of an adorable 2 year old little boy. My husband and I live in Pepper Creek. I also have a 15 year old daughter from a prior marriage. I have started all over again but I have to say I am enjoying 100 times more..... maybe it's my age. Anyway I just wanted to tell you that I think this is a great site and I will be back often to check it out.


MomOf4 said...

Hi Gang:

We had the kids so far apart because I had my tubes tied, then reveresed, then it took 3 yrs to concieve our daughter. We don't don't know what we are having this time because Dr. Kimberly Butt is on Mat. leaver herself until April(when I'm due). She is the only Dr. in Freddy that will tell you what the sex is if you are high risk, which I am. I have Gest. diabetes(4 needles a day), and have placenta previa. I am seeing Dr. Adam for this pregnancy in Kings place Mall. I actually have an appointment to see him at 3:50pm today..Ok, enough about me. Tell me more about you gals? :)

J MacKenzie said...

Hi Karen. How are you feeling anyway? Dr. Adams delivered my second baby by the way. I thought he was the very best. No complaints anyway. LOL. He is from South Africa in case you didn't recognize the accent.
For those of you who aren't quite sure what Placenta Previa and Gestational Diabetes are, here is a little background: The term Placenta Previa is used when the placenta partially, almost completely, or completely covers the cervix. It usually occurs during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and about 1 in 200 women experience it. It will sometimes cause vaginal bleeding which is why it's important to call your Dr. if you experience any. Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition that occurs during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. Insulin takes glucose (sugar) from your food and brings it to your cells for energy. Hormonal changes along with the growth demands of the baby, increase a pregnant woman's insulin needs by two to three times that of normal. If your body cannot make this amount of insulin, glucose from the foods you eat will stay in your blood stream and cause high blood glucose levels. This is gestational diabetes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Girls
lol thats so funny i had Dr Adam too, He's Great. I also had Dr. Butt because Summer had Echogenicities Aka an ultrasonic soft marker, which they thought could possibly be Down syndrome or Cystis Fibrosis, We were terrified , Dr butt really helped though , to explain everything out for us .. i can imagine how you are feeling karen ..

LadyLipgloss said...

Just found your site! I am the mom of a super cute 18mth old girl, Lauren. I would love to get into a playgroup so that she can socialize. I have her at a sitter right now and she's the only child at the moment.

Problem? All of the playgroups I can find and the mom and toddler activities are during business hours mon-fri. Exactly when I work.

What's a working mom supposed to do?

J MacKenzie said...

Hey workin mom (aka ladylipgloss)! I understand your fristations. Are you able to get together on the weekends? I think it would be great to set something up then. But I'm not certain of a place where we can all get together. A friends has informed me that in the kids section of the library you are not expected to be quiet, and it is located at the back, as not to disturb anyone. If anyone would like to attend the family story time, which is listed in the events article <<- and would like someone to go with them, just ask! It takes place every Saturday at 10:30 am to 11:00 am.
Anytime you would like to go let me know, I would be more than happy to get out. My son is 18 months too by the way!
Hope to hear from you soon.

LadyLipgloss said...

Thanks for the offer Jessakah!

I live out on the Hanwell, just past the trailer park. Perhaps Lauren and I will check out the library Sat morning.

I know kids don't usually play together until about 2 but she's never even really been exposed to other kids her age.

J MacKenzie said...

No Problem! I would love to get Austin around more kids too. You're right kids this age don't play together but they usually play along side each other. You never know though! I think it might be fun, they do puppet shows and sing songs and read stories. And if it goes down hill fast it's only a half hour program. lol.
And best of all it's free

J MacKenzie said...

Oh Karen! I meant to tell you, a friends of mine had Placenta Previa and it fixed itself on its own before she had the baby, so keep your hopes up, you might not need a c-section after all.

Anonymous said...

This is an awsome idea .. I have looked around online and never found much for frederiction moms ..not many play groups or fun things to do at all!!
I am Melanie I have an almost three year old girl named Madyson and we are expecting our second little miracle in late sept early oct!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ladies how are you all doing? I am a mother of 2 beautiful Boys Malcolm 3 will be 4 in April and Gabriel 22 month old will be 2 In Aprilmy boys are exactly 2 years and 8 days apart it is a very busy household especially where my husband has to go for surgery on his back Feb 8th.And I really don't know anybody in Frederiction even though I was born and raised here for the first 12 years of my life then we moved away and after I got married my Husband and I desided to move back to my home city. I live on Saunders st.
I am a young stay at home mom also and I would love to get out of the house more with or without my boys.
Hope to hear from you soon:)

My email/Msn Addy is sarahdawn_boyd@hotmail.com

- Sarahdawn -

Anonymous said...

Holy lots of posts since I posted here...haha. It seems I'm the only one who doesn't like Dr. Adams. I had him the last bit of my labor and he was a great doctor and all but I found him almost rude...very brisk, didn't tell me a thing that was happening during the surgery (emergency c-section) and just didn't have any bedside manner. That's my 2 cents :D

How are you feeling these days Karen? Getting close!!!

Hi Saradawn! You must have your hands full with 2! My one keeps me on my toes, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hi, what a great idea. As the weather gets nicer I can't wait to get out and about with some other moms. I have a 3 month old (Jase), Jase's dad is overseas so it is just him and I for a couple months. I hope to get to meet some other new moms in the area. I live in Fredericton (North Side).

Cassie said...

Hi Sherry! I live on the North side..kind of... I live in Burtt's Corner (bout 20 minutes outside f'ton) but we come out on the North side when we come to town, lol. It must be hard to have your hubby away.

J MacKenzie said...

Wow, a friend of mine has two children and their father is also overseas. I am on the north side too. Have you checked out the Fredericton event I have posted? If you ever want to attend any of them (if any of you ladies want to attend) let me know and I will more than happy to meet up!

Sherry said...

Hi Cassie, yes it is a little difficult but much harder for my husband I am sure. He calls all the time and he wants to know every little thing Jase is doing. Time goes by pretty fast for me though, Jase keeps me busy. The only time I really mind it is the weekends, I can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can get out for walks etc.

Sherry said...

Hi Jessakah, no I have not, I just found out about this site today. DO you recommend any in particular? What about the movies on Tues, have you ever went to one, or know anyone who has? I am a little nervous to go, I still get a little stressed when Jase cries in public so I am a little hesitant. Did Austin or Olivia have any flat spots on there heads when they were little. Jase will only sleep with his head to one side and no matter what I do he refuses to turn his head, now he has a flat spot on one side which makes it even more comfortable to keep it that way.

J MacKenzie said...

Sherry, I didn't have the flat head problem, I did however experence the hair loss issue. My kids must have turned their heads too much as they lost the full sided and back of their hair.

Have you done everything that is suggested when you are about to leave the hospital? (switching him him end for end regularly) is it possible for you to stuff a rolled up recieving blanket under his crib or bassinett sheet near his head so that it is impossible for him to sleep with his head completely sideways? What is he sleeping in by the way?

Sherry said...

Jessakah, he is sleeping in his crib. I have an appointment with the doc this week to see if there is anything I can do. I did try the switching him in his crib, no luck.

Chas said...

HI!! What a great idea!! I have lived in Fredericton since 2001 and dont really know anyone - anyway lol. I have 2 kids Brady is 2 1/2 and Kailey is just about 10 months! We are living in Durham Bridge just outside the city. And I am due to return back to work in 2 months :( Looking forward to getting to know you girls!!


Cassie said...

Sherry, I've been to the Reel Babies. No need to feel bad about your baby crying, the theater is full of crying, talking, eating babies! haha. It was pretty fun, but would have been better if I'd known anyone...haha.

Sherry said...

Hi Chas, I moved to Fredericton in 2002 and like you have not met many people outside of those that I work with. I live by Brookside Mall which I believe is close to you, is that right?

Chas said...

Hi Sherry!
Ya we are about 15 min from the brookside mal! Where did you move from?? We moved here from Newfoundland!

Sherry said...

Hi Chas, I moved here from Calgary where I lived for 6 years but before that I lived in Nova Scotia (Bridgewater) which is where me and my husband are from.

J MacKenzie said...

Sherry, How did you make out at the Dr's? Just wondering if you have any advice for mums who are experiencing the same dilemma. I lived in Calgary for the summer, but returned home. Did you like it there?

Unknown said...

hey i'm a 21 year old mom with a 15 month old daughter (Cailyn) with a another one on the way. I'm moving to Fredericton at the and of this month.

Sherry said...

Hi Jessakah, the doctor told me not to really worry about it that it is a common issue for moms now a days because babies are sleeping on their backs. Because the skull is so soft once he is a little older he will spend less and less time sleeping ie. laying on his flat spot and will move his head more from side to side. It is a good idea to play and nap them on their tummies during the day when they are supervised. But the main message was not to worry, it will work itself out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessakah
I have an almost 8 month old little girl named Hannah. I too live on the Northside in Marysville and I wished they offered a mom & tot group around here. I'm not sure if any of your readers know about the Fredericton Resource Centre on Union Street, I take Hannah every Wednesday morning from 10-11 for music and me. There are tons of babies there, they love the music and instruments. There are also olders kids there to. Its a good and free chance to meet other moms.

J MacKenzie said...

Hi Jenn, I did try and do a little research on the Family resource center when I was putting the Fredericton Events together, unfortunately their website didn't offer up enough information because it only had ages that were preschoolers and up listed. If you could email me a brief summary of all events for babies and toddlers, or have them email it to me, that would be great. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

The only info I have is the calendar they post on their website. Here is the link:


The second page describes the programs. If it doesn't specify an age, you usually can take babies to it like the lil readers, drop in, swimming, or bilingual me, you and music. Don't get intimidated by the bilingual they sing songs in english to.

Rgarv said...

Hi everyone. I'm new to Fredericton, don't even really know my way around yet. I'm in the Silverwood area and am a stay at home mom. My husband works pretty long hours, and I don't know anyone here. My daughter will be 3 in June, and my son just turned 9 months. I'm pretty quiet until you get to know me, so I find it hard to just take the kiddos and walk in somewhere I don't know anyone. I would love to find someone for my daughter to play with, and someone I have something in common with.

Rgarv said...

Hi, thanks for the welcome. Yep, there were a few things I was thinking about taking my daughter to if only I knew someone. :) Right now, my daughter is in the middle of a bad cold/flu(?)and the baby just started getting sick last night, so I guess we're housebound this week. Got my fingers crossed that I don't get it...or who knows when we'll get out of the house again.

jenn said...

hello everyone!!!!i just found this place and its nice to see that there is aplace for freddy moms to go to find other moms.... my name is jenn and i am a stay at home mom of 2 kids isabella who is 5 and bradley whos is 20 months... we live in tracy.... i was just reading some of the blogs and seen that some of u had dr adams .. i had him to for both of my kids and i throught he was great... i hope to get to know some of u better .. if anyone wants to chat and get to know each other better my email is belly_2002_12@hotmail .com hope to get to knwo u all...

Robyn said...

Hey Ladies!

This is so awesome to find a place like this, I had no idea a place like this for Moms in Fredericton even existed.

I am young mother to my amazing son, Micah, who is almost 11 months (who is actually having a nap right now). I am a full-time student at STU and a stay at home mother. My husband and I live near Marysville and I love it because where we are at is so kid friendly.

By the way... Cassie, my husband grew up in Zealand. We moved from Zealand about a year ago.

Anyways I am looking looking foward to getting to know all of you!

Feel free to add me to MSN or e-mail me.


Laura&Carmine said...

Hi Everyone
My name is Laura and i am a young mother of a beautiful 13 month old boy named Carmine. I live on the northside and im currently taking nail technology at Majestany Institute. I would love to join a play group to get my lil man out into the social world and to save my own sanity lol if anyone is intrested in starting a new on or if anyone is looking to add a new member please send me and email or add me to msn (Laura_Curtis614@hotmail.com) its great to see there is something out there for freddy moms! looking forward to getting to know everyone :O)

Amanda said...

I just found this website and think it's great! My name is Amanda and I have a 7 month old named Hayden. I've been looking for things to do with him and am willing to try anything. We just started the swimming program at the FIP. It's great. I hope to meet some of you soon!

J MacKenzie said...

Hi Amanda, I went to that last year and Austin loved it! I would be up for going to a Mom & Tot swim or family swim with you some time. I f you want to go to anything and want to meet up with someone, just post in the Activities

sasha501 said...

Hey Ladies! I'm a 26 y/o single mom of a gorgeous 18 month old little boy (like you didn't see that comming... we're all so partial ;) ) I work full time in Fredericton, currently living about 40 mins away from the city. My son is in daycare at Regent St. I was high risk with him; Toxemia & gestational diabetes. And, Dr Adam delivered my son (or should I say caught him? LOL) I'm a big talker and open to chatting anytime on the phone or on msn! Add me if you'd like!

jenn said...

hey everyone!!!! how is everyone doing????? hope that everyone had a great weekend.....

Amy said...

Hello everyone, nice to meet you.
I'm from Fton, have 3 little boys and am expecting my last (a little girl!). I'm curious if I already know some of you, since I've lived here all my life.

I'm off on Mat leave starting in June and really want to find some groups to get into. I need to get out of the house a couple times a week just to stay sane!!

I look forward to meeting and chatting with you!

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

Oops, don't know why my last message got posted twice! LOL!

J MacKenzie said...

Hi Amy, Feel free to comment on any of the articles. Check back soon for Mary Kay Givaways!

Kirsten said...

Hi gals,

I just had a little girl, Claire, 5 weeks ago (Valentine's Day!), and I'm still getting used to the whole motherhood thing! ;)

Great site, I'll be visiting regularly!

Mitochondrial Eve said...

I am teacher, living near the university, expecting our first (a girl). Was seeing a perinatologist in Saint John due to a genetic anomaly that I carry, but recently found out that the chances of this baby having it are virtually nil. We are expecting her in August, so I have a little time to go, but wanted to try to find some activities and mom's groups early.

Kelli said...

Hello there...I just found this site...I probably could have used it months ago! I'm a mom of two little ones..Meadow 2 1/2 and Tristan 8 months...they definetely keep a mom busy. I just recently moved back East from BC and it's nice to know there's a place to check for information or just to ask questions. Fortunately for us, we just found a play/swim group to join close to us...so we start this week. Look forward to using this site regularly! Kelli

Unknown said...

Hi Everyone!!

I think this site is a great idea for the moms in the Fredericton Area...I am a sahm (run a small inhome daycare .. with spots available atm!!). I have a son Sean who is 3 1/2 and i am expecting in the Fall. I live on the southside of Fredericton and look forward to getting to know some of the other mommies around!


Anonymous said...

What a great idea Jessika! Your site has become a great resource for us :)

Tiffany and Gavin

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone...I am wondering if anyone has a Evenflo Aura Select Travel System, Three's Company car seat (infant), that they might like to sell in the next 4 months. I bought the stroller for my sister, who is adopting from ethiopia, thinking we were getting the car seat from a realtive, but now we are not, so i would really like her to have the set. ...thanks ahead
hillary (f736c@unb.ca)

J MacKenzie said...

Hi Hillary, I posted your ad in the Classifieds for you :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a stay at home mom to 2 little girls; Hailey is 41/2 and Isabelle is 15mos. We live in Marysville and would love to get together for playgroups. I take Isabelle to the Resource center on Wednesdays for music class (Hailey goes to preschool in the mornings)but that's really the only socializing we do. Would love to meet other local moms. Feel free to email me ash_josh@rogers.com

Mayghan said...

Hi ladies. Its nice to see there are other moms around our area that want to set up play dates.
I have a 13 month old son, and am also a young mom. My husband works in Alberta part of the year so its mostly me and the little guy, Im a full time student at UNB so were pretty busy!
I also had Dr Adam for my OB, I wasnt all that impressed with him, he wasnt there when I had my son though so it was all good with me! I really liked the OB that did my csection!
And I also live in Southwood park, although not for much longer, were moving at the end of the summer!

J MacKenzie said...

Where to?

Anonymous said...

hey guys. well i am a single mom of three beautifull children i have a six year old little boy with severe special needs and i have two little girls ages three and a half and two.. would love to meet some moms as my friends dont really have kids :-( also if there any moms on here with special needs kids?? hope to hear from you soon.. kellyclements@hotmail.com drop me a line or add me to msn.. hope to hear from you all soon bye for now kelly clements

Stacy said...

Hi All! I just stummbled on this site a few days ago and am so happy I found it! I'm a first time mom to an "active" 19 month old boy named Ben. I'm off during the summer months and would like to meet other moms and kids around Ben's age! Let me know if you anyone wants to get together over the summer!

J MacKenzie said...

Hi there! Why don't you join us on our walks?

hasgr8boyz said...

Hi Everyone! I just stumbled upon this site completely by accident but I am really glad I have found it. My husband, 2 children (5 1/2 and 2 1/2) and I have just recently bought a house in Hanwell by Mazerolle Sett Rd and since I do in home childcare I am always looking for different websites and activites to do and this seems to be a very informative site. I'm very excited to have found this, thanks!