
OK, so now that I have your attention, let's shine a little light on that dark and often neglected area of most relationships. I am constantly hearing friends complain of never being in the mood and that sex is way down on the priority totem pole. But, according to some experts it isn't just women who experience this loss in libido and there are lots of reasons for it. But don't lose hope now, because there are also lots of solutions for this common problem.

Not surprisingly, after children enter the home life, stress and fatigue are the main culprit behind this lack of lust. This doesn't just apply to parents of a newborn, but also older children who can be just as demanding of your time and attention. So firstly, don't worry, it's normal.

Another reason for this could simply be low testosterone levels, which is needed for both women's and men's sex drives. It may be something lacking in your diet. There are however lots of foods to get you in the mood, some of which you might already have hiding it your cupboards. Some birth control pills and other prescriptions can inhibit testosterone levels too, so you might want to check with your doctor about what he or she is prescribing you and if there are alternative medications, or methods of birth control that fit your lifestyle.

Dryness. Any woman knows that being dry down there doesn't exactly make sex enjoyable let alone desirable. There is an easy solution to this. Many personal lubricants like K-Y can help. Even adjusting your position can reduce dryness. Woman on top positions help send natural secretions where they belong as opposed to when women are on the bottom which causes secretions to pool inside.

Reading can also help. How? Pick up a Cosmopolitan magazine and see for yourself. Reading about it can get you in the mood, and reading about relationships or desirable men can make you focus on the same things you love about your own man, and make you forget about stressful finances or that fight you just had. Just be sure to read it at a good time of day when you will be near your man with ample opportunity (AKA after the kids are in bed).

Get prettied up! Many women don't feel attractive, so instead of doing housework while your kids sleep, have a shower, do your hair, put on your makeup (if you wear it), and get dressed in something you look and feel good in. Your man will notice the difference in your appearance and your confidence, and even though you're doing it to help yourself feel better, he will think you did it for him and likely appreciate it.

Let me know how this works out for you... On second thought, don't. :P

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I certainly don't need help here...haha *blush* Sorry, lol. Maybe it's because the person I'm with isn't Jackson's father, because with him it was much different!