Entertaining Your New Baby

A week or two after bringing your new baby home, you will probably start feeling like yourself again, and be settling into a bit of a routine. For some, baby talk and lullabies come naturally, but for many moms it's hard mustering up some imagination and developing ways to entertain and talk to a young baby with out feeling silly.

Playing is an important part of a baby's life, and an infant's environment can dramatically affect brain development (by up to 25% ). When you play together, even when they play solo, it stimulates connections in the brain called synapses which help with the development of social skills, identity, and personality. It is believed by experts that the networking foundation of brain synapses is nearly complete after the rapid development which takes place in only the first 3 years of life.

New Babies are stimulated by all sorts of things; sound, touch, sight, and even taste. Try keeping things different by setting up various areas in your home, where you regularly spend most of your time, with toys and interesting things for your child to look at. Put your child somewhere where they can see paintings or drawings, by a window, or sitting in a bouncy seat to watch you do clean up etc. Make sure you, the toys, or pictures are within a baby's sight range as they can't see much farther than a foot away for the first few months of life.

Babies love faces. Grab a few pieces of paper and bright paints or crayons and draw some simple faces or patterns for your baby to look at. Get up close and talk to your baby, or place an unbreakable mirror nearby.

Many people believe that children enjoy pastel mute colors when in fact, it's contrast that really grabs a baby's attention and helps them distinguish one thing from an other. Try choosing black and whites, or bright primary colors when decorating or buying toys.

Though your child won't understand most of what you say, you can still read to them. Babies find the sound of their mother's voice comforting and enjoy looking at the pictures, even watching you turn the pages can be stimulating for your infant.

Babies also enjoy watching mobiles. Make sure you pick one that is not too fast, or it will likely make your child irritable. You might want to also shop around for one mobile that gives the option of turning off the sound, since for some young babies it can be overstimulating, making them cranky.

Babies love sound and their hearing is very sensitive. It is said that when humans are lacking strength in one sense, their other senses are heightened. Perhaps this is to compensate for their blurry vision. Obviously a new baby cannot hold and shake a rattle just yet, so many companies have began manufacturing rattle bracelets and anklets, even slippers, which help your child become aware of their own body, while stimulating their minds with different bell or rattling sounds.

Another baby favorite is music. Experts say that if you can't hear someone talking over the music, its too loud for your infant. Baby Einstein makes classical music fine tuned for little ears, and research has showed that babies who listened to classical music grew up to be better at math. Put it on during playtime for some background music to entertain your little one, many parents find this type of music much easier to tolerate.

Babies are said to prefer high pitched voices. but a lot of people feel silly talking in a baby voice, even when they are alone. You don't however need to talk in a high pitched tone for your child to hear you. Just talk to them like they are a new friend, you will likely be spending a lot of time together, and your child loves the sound of your voice.

Toy bars or other dangling toy set-ups also work great. When a baby hits a noisy toy it's usually accidentally, but they do notice, and usually will try and do it again. It's also very entertaining for moms to watch a child discover, and be proud of themselves.

After being in the womb for 40 weeks babies have a strong sense of rhythm. From your heart beat to your movement, your baby felt it all. If you're going to play some music for your little one and they happen to be laying on the floor, place the speaker nearby face-down, so they can feel the vibrations. New babies are most comfortable when they are being held close, so hold your baby snug and dance around, it will get your blood flowing, and the movement will be comforting and stimulating for your baby.

Infant massage is becoming increasingly popular, and is proving to be a positive treatment for prematurely born babies. Premies who were massaged grew faster, cried less, and were released from the hospital earlier than those who weren't. But infant massage also has a positive effect on older babies, and has been said to improve the immune system, help with colic, gas, irritability, and some moms even claim it helped their child sleep through the night.

If you absolutely can't think of a thing to do, and both of you are bored, go out for a walk, if the weather isn't nice, go for a drive, maybe even go walk around the mall, if you don't want to spend any money, only bring a few dollars cash with you. It will be good for both of you to get out of the house for a bit.

All in all, babies are the best type of friend, and a great little companion to spend the day with. They are great at keeping secrets, never try and over talk you, and are never judgmental. They will always laugh at your jokes, love your artwork, and think you are the best dancer in the world. Not to mention the best momma they have ever met.

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