Who delivered Your Baby?

Who delivered your baby? I see on the welcome forum a lot of us had Dr. Adams. I also had crumbly. I must say, I can't say anything negative about either. They weren't there long enough. Both of mine showed up last minute.



J MacKenzie said...

Dr. Crumbly that is..

Anonymous said...

I had Dr Adam

Anonymous said...

i had dr adam..and i found him really great! he didn't just show up last min he kept checking on me every couple hours while i was in labour. even though the nurses were in the room with me the entire time non-stop.


Anonymous said...

I had Dr. Adam throughout my pregnancy, and he was to induce me, but I went into labour and had Dr. Butt deliver Zachary the day before the date of my induction. I was delivered by Dr. Crumbly!! But isn't he done now?? I heard he has cancer and has retired.. :(

J MacKenzie said...

OMG I have no idea!!

Chas said...

My Obgyn was Dr Mills for both my kids - I didnt like her at all with my first pregnancy but really really liked her the 2nd time around! lol. She didnt deliver though Dr Crumbly delived my son and Dr Samson delivered my daughter!

Anonymous said...

I think Dr Crumley is retired now.

J MacKenzie said...

http://www.ratemds.com/index.jsp Check this out ladies.

Anonymous said...

I had Dr Samson! She was great.

Anonymous said...

Here's the direct link to the NB doctor's list:


Robyn said...

I had Dr. Samson... awesome all the way around!!!

Anonymous said...

I was supposed to have Dr.Mossman but Dr.Sampson delivered my lil' one. She was great, and didn't let me freak out.

Anonymous said...

I saw Dr. Murdock for my OB/GYN appointments (except one - saw Samson, loved her!!). I LOVE him!! At my 40 week appointment we decided to book me to have my water broken the following Monday. He was my doctor all day, up until 5:30pm. Then I got Dr. Adams... I must say, I really didn't like him. I found him to be very brisk and almost rude, which is not the way you want to treat a woman in intense labor, and later, one who is scared for her baby's life (my case). He is a good doctor, but I'm not very impressed with his attitude, especially during the c-section, he didn't even tell me the baby was out. I am going to stop before this turns into a book, haha...

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add, I am very grateful to him because he probably saved my baby's life by doing the emergency c-section so fast, I just wasn't fond of his demeanor.

Anonymous said...

I had Dr Adams when I was 3 months preg, because of gest diabetes. I didnt like him at first cause he told me I needed to go on needles! I hate needles. But I have to say he took good care of me! I went every other week for 6 months and he always took the time to make sure I knew what was going on. He did extra test to make sure William and I were well taken care of. If we have another one I am glad he will be my doctor:)


Anonymous said...

Dr.Mills delivered my 1st daughter, and Dr.Crumbly 'delivered' my second.( she pretty much delivered herself, Dr.Crumbly got there in time to catch her.lol) I liked them both:)

*Candace* said...

I had Dr adam all through my pregnancy and he schelduled my induction two weeks after my due date , he was there the whole time and delivered summer in the middle of the night. I did admire his intelligence and skills as a doctor but I too didn't feel like he payed much attention to my preferences , he didn't seem to be very nurturing {maybe that's why they have nurses ;)}and seemed to ignore Summer in subsequent visits . However i did see Dr. Murdock after Summer was delivered and he was sooo nice , I will be requesting him next time I am pregnant

sinab said...

Hi everyone! I mostly saw Dr. Landau ( throughout my pregnancy and I thought he was great! In the end Dr. Sampson scheduled me to be induced with Dr.Landau on Monday morning. However I went into labor 6 hours before my induction and I had to see Dr. Adams whom I felt did not have agreat bedside manner. Im sure he is a great doc but not my cup of tea..lol. Anyways i held out till Dr.Landau came on shift and delivered a healthy baby boy 17 min after his shift began.

Mayghan said...

Dr Adam was my doctor, but Dr Landow delivered my son!

Anonymous said...

i had kim butt, she as amazing, im only 17 and she treated me with tons of respect and she was so nice, she kept tellin me how good i was doing and she kept making me laugh which i think is pretty impressive lol.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Krista Mullaly delivered my baby in mid August. My little girl became breech the day I went into labour and ended up having a C Section. Dr.Mullally was incredible throughout the whole process. I hope she is still in Fredericton if I have a second baby.

Anonymous said...

I had Dr. Murdock with my first, he was great, but I mostly saw Dr. Samson who was great as well, but I found her a little rough when examining my belly. Dr. Mossman delivered my first and she was simply amazing. I requested Dr. Murdock again this time, but so far I have only seen Dr. Landau who is great as well.

cuddles said...

Dr. Mills was my OB during my pregnancy, but Dr. Mullaly (formerly Dr. Mossman) induced me and delivered my son this past May. Although Dr. Mills was my OB, she was out of the office a lot during my pregnancy and I never saw her at all until the day after my due date! I saw Dr. Cham, and Dr. Landau, and Dr. Frecker in Dr. Mills' absence. I also saw Dr. Butt several times as the pregnancy was considered to be at risk. Dr. Frecker and Dr. Mullaly were both absolutely wonderful, and if I have a second child, I'd choose either of them as my OB.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Landau delivered both my babies and I seen him throughout my pregnancies, he is a phenominal Dr and we are very lucky to have him...I also seen Adam and Butt..they were wonderful as well I think for such a small city we are very fortunate to have the team of OB's that we have.

Anonymous said...

I had Dr.Murdock for my 2nd. I'm not sure about the first though...I forget who delivered her. Isn't that aweful? lol I wonder how you could find out....
Anyways, I have heard afew people say negative comments about Dr.Landau. I have never had him though.

Anonymous said...

I had seen Dr. Landau, Dr Murdoch and Dr. Landau's intern when I had my first... but Dr Adam was on call when I went into labor and so he delivered. I was so high on the iv drugs that I wouldn't have cared who was delivering. Second time around I saw Dr. Mills for all but one of my appts. and as it happened, Dr. Adam was on call and delivered my second as well. He was great both times.

Anonymous said...

I had Dr. Murdock for my 1st and Dr. Cham for my 2nd...both were AMAZING!!! I have nothing negative to say about either Dr's ;-)

Anonymous said...

For my 1st pregnancy my OB was suppose to be Dr. Mullaly but I ever seen her. I seen Dr. Mills & Dr. Butt once but Dr. Sampson delivered my daughter. After my daughter was born Dr. Mills took such great care of me. She did my 6 week check up and even called me at home to see how I was making out. I even had a check up with Dr. Butt. And when I became pregnant again with my son Dr. Mills made sure I seen her for almost every appt (which is what I wanted & I seen an OB since I was 12 weeks pregnant), she even delivered my son in May. I also seen Dr. Butt through out my pregnancy as well. Between all my Dr's they made sure I had an appt with one of them every other week. They are amazing people & Dr's. They helped me get through an extremely rough pregnancy, I am truly thankful to each of them :)

Anonymous said...

I had Dr Butt and Dr mossman for my lil gal in 2007

Dr Cham for my girl in 2008

they were all great..i did have Dr landeau for prenatal visits as well and found he wasnt my cup of tea i didnt really like him

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing Dr. Frecker now and she's great. I've seen Dr. Landau for a few visits and although he's not very talkative I find him very caring and willing to answer questions... just not chatty; I think he's great too.

Unknown said...

Dr. Murdoch delivered my first, Which was an emergency c-section due to pre-eclampsia. Dr. Collins delivered my second which was a planned c-section and this afternoon I find out the date and time of my upcoming c-section and the doctor who is delivering my daughter :) But I would most definately request Dr. Murdoch again or Dr. Mullaly. I LOVED her she is fantastic! She has an awesome manner and respected me as a young mom. She was also the one who listened to me when I told her my concerns for my first pregnancy while the other doctors seemed to just dismiss my worries (Because I was a young mom and it was my first pregnancy) She basically saved my life as well as my first born. But I see Dr. Landau in an hour. I am not really fond of him. He just seems so serious and I would like a doctor who is a bit more friendlier and outgoing.

Anonymous said...

I had dr. adam for both my pregnancies, He had to fly out for a family issue for my first so I had dr. mills didn't like her AT ALL! For my second baby a year later I had dr. adam again, he is a good dr. knows his stuff, he has a dry sense of humor though which I found made it hard but he was good at his job. I had c-sections with both my kids first emergency second was planned.