Mom Chat


Anonymous said...

So, my son (who 1 1/2) won't feed himself with a spoon. He knows how and he is not delayed cognitively, so don't worry about that, and he will eat finger foods with his hands. The problem, is that he just WONT do it because he knows I will... or something like that I assume, so my question is, should I just sit him there with his food, and spoon, and if he doesn't feed himself should I just take him out and let him run around till he gets hungrier? Or .... what? HELP

-A Too Busy Mom

J MacKenzie said...

OMG, and I thought I was the only one!!

Austin will occasionally pick up his spoon, but I more often resort to feeding him myself too.

He is 20 months, going on 21. I'm sure in time he will just pick it up (no pun intended) but I would like to get him doing it himself.

I also have a 6 month old, and am also a busy mom.

I have also considered just letting him go run around some more, until he gets hungrier and hope that that might work...

I think I might try that today.

One thing I find that helps SOMETIMES, LOL, is if you don't watch, I usually sit nearby with a book, so I can still spy on him.

Anonymous said...

I would let him try with his spoon and you could help him with another spoon. Totally typical behaviour. My 2 year old does the same thing. Sometimes he just needs a little extra help or if he wants something off my plate, he wants it fed to him. Then there are other times when you can't help him if you tried!

Anonymous said...

See the problem is that he won't try, and when i try and put it into his hand, he squirms his little hand away, so frustrating....

Anonymous said...

He'll do it in time, just be patient.

Anonymous said...

you could try just putting the food on the spoon then put it on the plate for him to pick up himself. my daughter is 2 1/2 and doesn't feed herself and thats what i do to help her since she cna't scoop but she can put it in her mouth if i do that for her.

J MacKenzie said...

I have tried the putting the food on the spoon thing, I am going to really give it a go today, my daughter is now 6 months, and I now feed her too, It would be a great help if Austin would feed himself. lol

I will keep you all posted lol

Anonymous said...

Thank you both for your suggestions, I will try and be patient.

I feel a lot of pressure from my friends about it i guess, and thats why i want to get him caught up with the rest of the crowd.

I know that is wrong of me, but i cant stand it when one in particular belittles me about it.

J MacKenzie said...

I get that a lot too actually. I just try and let them know that I don't care how he eats his food, as long as he eats healthy...