From 2 naps to 1

When did your child(ren) transition from two naps down to one?

My 10 month old daughter has been resisting her morning nap over the past week. It started with her just taking a while to go to sleep (a 1/2 hr or more), now she wont go to sleep at all. She doesnt really cry much, she just sits (or stands) in her crib and plays.

I'm starting to wonder if this her way of trying to tell me that she is ready for just one nap. I've looked for answers in books and on websites and the answer varies. Some say now is normal time to drop a nap and others say as late as 18-24 mths.

What does everyone think? What was your experience?

Thanks in advance for the help!


J MacKenzie said...

Austin stopped napping at about 1 year old, and was doing the same thing, just wouldn't go down for his morning nap and would have an early afternoon nap instead, and would in turn go to bed earlier, and was cranky allll day for about a week.

Olivia on the other hand stopped napping at about 10 months. with her on the other hand, she was not cranky like he was when he stopped napping 2 times a day, she just played too.

The McDonnells said...

Babies are really good at telling you what they need. If she wants to sleep, let her and if she doesn't you can't make her. If she's resisting, she probably doesn't need the nap or she might be getting ready to do something amazing like cut a tooth or start to cruise or something. My kids both did that right before something major was accomplished.

My son switched to one nap around that age and my daughter is 10 months old and has days where she doesn't nap at all...but she's a weird baby haha!

Just follow her lead. She'll let you know what she need.