One-Minute Move: Power Plies

Turbo your postbaby shape-up with this glute- and thigh-firming move
By Beth Howard

Turbo your postbaby shape-up with this glute- and thigh-firming Front Pack Plies Squat from Lean Mommy, by Lisa Druxman. Holding your baby in a front carrier while you do the move makes your muscles work harder, so you get stronger and more sculpted. To start:

• Tuck your baby snugly into place; then, with your hands on your hips or the baby's legs, stand with your feet wider than your shoulders.

• Turn your toes out.

• Inhale and lower your hips until your knees are bent in 90-degree angles (if you can't see your toes, widen your stance).

• Hold for three seconds, then press heels into the floor as you contract your glutes (butt) and inner thighs and straighten your legs; return to the starting position.

• Repeat ten times.

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