Too Old to Be a Mom?

Medical advances have made it possible for women to have babies into their 50s and 60s; at the same age many women become grandmas or great-grandmas. Should a woman always have the right to decide whether she's ready to face the challenges of motherhood, no matter how old she is? Do you think doctors and society have the right to just say no because of the potential risks and costs? How old is really too old to become a mother?


Anonymous said...

Personally I think that it's selfish to have a child that late in life knowing full well all the risks associated with it. There is a reason why women normally can't conceive that late in life. God knew what he was doing as far as I'm concerned. Now if these women want to adopt, more power to them!

Anonymous said...

good point! Adoption should be the ONLY option that a woman that old considers, it's selfesh to bring a child into the world with such high risks....

Anonymous said...

i think that even late 30s is too old. just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the people who didn't get a chance to experience being a parent earlier in life. I know that there are many reasons why people may chose to postpone having a child. I think up to 40 is ok.

I believe that it would be hard to grow up with parents that are older.
1.Medically speaking, the amount of risk they are taking is not good for the child or the parent.
2.They wouldn't be as active in most cases.
3.They wouldn't have a group of friends that would have children, so the child may feel isolated.
4.Their friends may believe the child is living with grandparents.
5.What happens to these kids when mom or dad are needing care? Are they forced into a caretaker situation?

On the flip side of the coin:
1.There are plenty of children that don't have the luxury of having good parents.
2.Age is not a factor in being a good parent, maybe adoption is a good option.
3.Older people may be able to help in a grandparent role.

I would hope that this discussion would help a person to make a decision that is right for them. What is right for one, may not be what is right for all.

Anonymous said...

If you didn't feel the calling before menopause then you missed the boat.

Anonymous said...

There are many things to take into consideration for parents who are older than what society deems to be "too old" to have babies. When you are late thirties or older and have no children or have been trying for years to have babies then you would be better able to make an educated opinion. Futher, women who have children and all of a sudden find themselves pregnant later in life are not selfish. No child born into this world to parents who love and care for them are necessarily a bad thing. There is enough judgement and self consciousness in our society without people scrutinizing when women should and should not be having babies.

Anonymous said...

It's not a matter of being judgemental...I have a big issue with the medical world playing God. There is a REASON why older women have serious trouble conceiving and in my eyes, it's God's way of protecting those babies from being born with lots of problems and protecting the moms from heartache over miscarriage or having to watch their child go through life with nothing but health and social problems.

Anonymous said...

I think that if we are using the term "playing God" then it is judgemental. There are so many tests and specialists available that an older woman can have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Is it ok then for a younger woman who has struggled with fertility and pregnancy to "play God" just because she is younger? I think that everyone needs to make decisions that are right for them and that others need not worry about it.

Anonymous said...

If you would kindly take note of what exactly I said, you'll see I said the "medical world". Not specifically and solely older women wanting to have babies but there are reasons why some women just can't get pregnant, there are reasons why some women can't carry a baby, there are reasons why some children live and why some die the same with everything. Medicine has it's place, the rest is up to God.

Anonymous said...

I dont think the issue here is about getting assistance in becoming pregnant. I think that the thing that is wrong is that these women who should be grandparents are just becoming parents. It's just not natural, I mean they could like someone else said end up needing care themselves when their child is supposed to be at the peak of their life (say 20s) There is a reason why women stop having periods people!!! NOT normal..