Bathroom Habits of a 4 Year Old

My daughter turned four in September of this year. She is one of the smartest kids I have ever met and has always seemed to catch on to things so quickly…Except with her bathroom habits. She has accidents more than one time a day and it doesn’t seem to bother her. She gets upset if we get upset but would probably walk around for a while with wet pants and carry on whatever she was doing. She started off potty training so well when we lived in SJ and she was only 18-20 months old when she was even sleeping through the night dry. About a year and a half ago we hit this regression where she started peeing the bed and having many accidents through the day. I realize that we have an issue with consistency. She goes to pre-school and rarely has any accidents there but at home she has them more frequently. We are currently doing the demotion/promotion method were we take a toy away if she has an accident and give one back when she goes to the bathroom and wipes her bum and washes her hands. Now I wish I just had of been a stay at home mom for the firs years of her life then I could have seen more and possibly prevented this or It just feels like just when we are making progress, that’s when things fall back. I know its just life and maybe I just needed to write this out and feel better but any comments you have good or bad please offer any insight you have.



Anonymous said...

I think that first of all you need to rid yourself of your guilt. Because there really is no way of knowing whether you being home would have made a difference or not. I stay at home with my kids and they are not perfect :)

Have you tried asking your daughter why she is peeing in her pants?

What other events took place around the same time that this started? Did you have another baby? Go back to work? Try spending a set time with just you and her regularly so that she will know when to expect it, if you think she might be doing it for attention. She may also have a bladder control issue that she can't help.

Anonymous said...

Do not feel bad for having to go back to work. It is not your fault your daughter is still wetting her pance. You have done what you can do all you can do now is keep trying to get her to go and the rest has to be up to her if she wants to go or not. You are at least trying with her unlike someone i know they do not try with their son at all. he was potty trained by a sitter but they never kept up with it and now he doesn't go any more. so you can only do what you can do. Maybe ask your doctor if they have any suggestions on what to do.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other posts dont be hard on yourself. I think it would be a really good idea to get her into see a doctor and tell them you want some tests done. Her peeing herself could be just that but there also can be infections that you might not no about that are causing it.