Vegetarian Baby

Vegetarian parents usually want their babies to be vegetarian children. Some doctors recommend extreme caution if you do chose to go this route, while others don't recommend it at all. Vegan diets are even more strict, and do not allow ANY animal products, eggs, cheese, milk (other than human breast milk), and other such things. What do you think? Is it OK for babies, toddlers and children to be put on strict diets like these?


Anonymous said...

That's a tough one. On the one hand, I think it's admirable to raise your child with your values but on the other hand I think you also have to give them room to grow and learn to think for themselves.

The bottom line is that your child needs good nutrition. If you know what you're doing in regards to being well rounded with vegetarian or vegan dietary choices then by all means, feed your child that way so long as they are not lacking anywhere. I think sometimes people who are vegetarian or vegan rely on supplements to round out their nutrition and you might not be able to get the proper supplements in children's forms.

I think that it's important for children to explore foods and all their tastes and they are missing out on some amazing food experiences when they are strictly limited.

Anonymous said...

I think you said it all when you said the term diets, because that is exactly what it is and kids should never be on a diet if you ask me. I mean if they are extremely obese or have some sort of medical condition yeah. but not for this.

Rachel said...

Vegetarianism is NOT a 'diet' in the sense that you are restricting calories. That said, vegetarians are among the healthiest people on earth, they live longer, have lower incidences of obesity, heart disease and diabetes. There is NOTHING unhealthy about a proper vegetarian diet. It is true that you have to watch your protien and iron, etc. and not become a 'potato chip' vegetarian, but bad nutrition is possible with any way of eating. Not eating meat does not mean you are 'stricly limiting' your child's food intake or experiences, in fact, centering meals around meat is unhealthy and restrictive in the sense that other options are not being explored. The chemicals and hormones in non-organic meat SHOULD be restriced. Also, it is much, much better for the environment not to eat meat. Everyone has there own ideas of what nutrition is, but if you actually research this topic, you'll discover that a vegetarian diet is not only approved of but recommended in many cases by nutritionists and doctors.