There are many important decisions you will need to make concerning your baby, many of which you cannot plan for.

Choosing How to Feed Your Baby

To breastfeed or bottlefeed your baby? This can become quite a passionate subject for some women and conversations can become quite heated. It is widely recognised that breast milk is the best form of nutrition for your baby. Armed with the correct information you should be able to achieve breastfeeding success, however, this may not be possible for many reasons. Listen to all the advice that is offered to you and make an informed decision. Based on the information you have gathered you can then decide what is right for you and your baby.

Will We Cirumcise Our Son?

Circumcision of your son is a very personal question that needs serious thought. In some communities it is part of their culture to routinely circumcise their boys, however there is no medical reason why this is necessary.

Whether you choose to circumcise or not will depend on what you consider being best for you and your son. Speak to your pregnancy health carers and your paediatrician for more information and advice.

Choosing Your Baby’s Name

First Names

Here are a few points that you should bear in mind when choosing a first name for your newborn baby.

  • Will the name be suitable for your child at all stages throughout his or her life?
  • Is it obvious how the name is spelt or pronounced?
  • Does the name sound right when put together with the middle name(s) and your surname?
  • Will the initials of the full name make a word when they are put together?
  • Are you happy with any associations that may be apparent?
  • Is there any ways in which your child may be teased as a result of the name that you have chosen?

Last Names

With more couples having children before marriage, you may need to decide what last name you will give your child. Some parents hyphenate both names, and some will give the child the father's last name if they plan on getting married later on down the road.

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