Obese Children

I find this to be a controversial topic and I thought I would start a discussion on it. Here it is. With so many kids being obese, we are in a time when parents may very well outlive their children. Whose fault is this? Is it the parents fault? The school system, or child care providers, the doctors? What do you think?



Anonymous said...

I say all of the above except the doctors. No doctor can "cure" you of obesity. It is a condition brought on from lifestyle. Sometimes there is a genetic disposition to obesity, but it's up to the individual to lead an active and healthy lifestyle to maintain their health, not for a doctor to hand out a magic weight control pill.

I think 2 of the major cuplrits to this most recent trend towards obese children are the removal of regular physical education from the school system and society's "too busy to be healthy" way of life. We are so "busy" with work and other commitments that we tend to rely too heavily on convenience, ready made and fast foods which are HORRIBLE for us especially when coupled with a sedentary lifestyle brought on by an influx of TV, computer and video game use. Kids don't know how to just be kids anymore. They're too busy being worked to death in school and drowned out infront of some box when they should be running around outside.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to say the parents are at fault. Our children learn their lifestyle habits from us. They eat what we feed them, they see what we eat. The same with exercise. They learn from us. If we take good care of our own health, that teaches how to take care of their own. I'm sure there are other good points and opinions too, that's just the first thing that came to my mind.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it is the parents who are to blame. They choose what their children are being fed, and if they know that they are not receiving proper nutrition, then it is their responsibitly to see that it is dealt with.