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On Mommy Minutes
Cindy's recent stay at the DECH showed her just how much they are pro-breast feeding and made her appreciate the staff that helped her through her stay.


Program for Parents - STEP
The Stanley FUN (Families of Upper Nashwaak) Organization will hold STEP, a fun way for parents to learn and become more confident in their role as a parent. Child care is provided if needed. This program is free, to register contact: Corinne 367-2680 or Program starts on April 14th and runs for about 6 weeks. For location, directions, or more information, contact FUN.


FAMOM Spring & Summer Sale
Saturday, April 19, 2008, at the FHS Cafeteria Fredericton Area Moms of Multiples will hold another huge event. Don't miss this one day sale to restock the kids wardrobe, toy box, bookshelf and nursery or pick up some maternity wear for your pregnancy!


Child Care- She's All yours
You turn to walk out the day-care door, and your baby looks at you with those big round eyes, pauses and ... happily waves goodbye. This is what you wanted, right? A guilt-free exit before going to work. Why, then, is there a lump in your throat?


Hot Topic Discussion
Are we over protecting our children? "You came out fine." What do you think? Are we going too far and not letting our children learn for themselves? Share your thoughts!


On Bringing Up Boys
In her post titled 'Spring Is In The Air' Jerusha recounts the great day she had with her family.


Forum: Local Maple Farm
A new mom to the area is looking for a maple sugar farm. If you know of where one is located or at least what it is called, post your answer.


Health Canada recalls children's drug
Health Canada says not to give infants, especially those with weak immune systems, a certain lot of PediaCol colic drops as it is contaminated with yeast. The drops are to reduce gas associated with colic. The Drug ID Number is 02245510, and the affected lot number is PDC701. Anyone with PediaCol from that lot should return it to the store or throw it out. Symptoms of exposure include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, lethargy, coughing or decreased appetite.
To report a suspected adverse reaction, please call Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345.


On Mommy Minutes
Read as Cindy tells about her holiday weekend and talks about how her children are growing, on the move, and learning to play together.


Fredericton Program
The Welcome Baby: Tools For the Journey Program course which will Run March 29th- 30th still has openings. Visit them online for contact information & how to sign up.


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