Tools: Nutrient Calculator
Ever wonder how good those muffins are for your kids? Just how much protein is in those peanut butter cookies? Enter all your ingredients, the number of servings they produce and calculate the nutritional values of fiber, fat, sugar, vitamins, & more! Click Here to try it.
Article: Hoping for a boy? Watch what you eat!
What a woman eats around the time she conceives may influence her baby's gender, a provocative new study has found. Read the Article
Blogs: Mommy Minutes
I'm Mommy To a Three Year Old-14 kids, tons of presents, 2 round of "Happy Birthday to You" and everything Lightning McQueen under the sun and Cole has turned 3! Read The Whole Post
Article: Are Women Being Bad Wives/Girlfriends?
The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage Written by Dr. Laura Schlessinger, is one that touches on a rarely explored avenue of why many marriages or relationships fail. She has been on television many times, you may recall her as the one who says that many women are simply bad wives or girlfriends... Read More
Discussion Board: Toddler Won't Sleep Alone Anymore
Im at a loss right now as my 18 month old will NO longer sleep by himself. It seems since 2 weeks ago when we visited the inlaws this behaviour has started. While we were away he would not sleep and only wanted to me to rock him... I put it down to being in a strange environment; however he has continued this beahviour at home. We put him to bed between 7:30 and 8pm and he will cry and scream hystericaly for a long time... Read the Whole Post and Reply!
Discussion Board:Bisphenol A
I'm just wondering if anyone knows how you can tell if there is Bisphenol A in your plastics? I know you can look for the number 7 in a triangle on the bottom,which I did find on my Nalgene water bottle, but the rest of my plastic bottles don't have anything on the bottom. Also, i've noticed the numbers 2 and 5 on the bottom of my playtex sippy cups, does anyone know what those numbers represent? Reply to this post!
Congrats to Rebecca Munn, Winner of the Welcome Wagon New FredBaby Draw!
Discussion Board: Non-Disposable Diapers/ Cloth Diapers
We are expecting our second babe and starting to think about using non-disposable diapers this time around. has anyone ever done this before and what was your experience?
In The News: Major retailers pull bottles containing bisphenol A
Major retailers including the Hudson's Bay Company (Zellers) announced Tuesday they're pulling products containing bisphenol A from their shelves, ahead of a possible announcement from Health Canada that the chemical is "dangerous." Read it
On Summer Time: Oh the Fun of a Toddler , a Baby and a Wedding
Oh man , i'm sooo bad at trying to keep up with this lol , but really can ya blame me ? Now that I'm home alone for seven weeks I guess I SHOULD be able to keep this darn thing updated lol. So , if ya haven't guessed already Josh is now in moncton doing his fourth block for his electrical liscence. I really thought these stupid blocks would never end , it's a complete interruption in our finances when we were already behind a bit. Alas, this is the last time he'll be going so i guess we'll get through it... Read the whole post
Discussion Board- Last Will & Testament
I am planning on getting a will done up and I am having a hard time choosing who should take care of my little one if something happened to me and my husband. Just wondering how who and why you picked the person you did? -Anonymous
Article- All Through The Night
Myths and facts about babies and sleep – psst…you’re not alone! At the end of the day (or night), sometimes you just need to adjust your attitude. “My wife and I kept getting up angry,” says Richard Whate, a Toronto dad. “Finally, we accepted that we weren’t going to sleep all night and started taking turns.”

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