Diaper Leaks

I am looking for some advice from you experienced moms out there. My daughter is 14 months old and I suddenly can't get any diapers to fit her properly. We have been using the Teddy's Choice brand (from the Superstore) and they have been working great but lately they have been leaking (out the crotch and out the top) This usually means that they are too small. She weighs about 24 pounds and was wearing a size 5 diaper when the problem started. I bought some size 6 diapers last night and the same thing happened! I really have no idea what to do now because as far as I know regular (i.e: none pull-up)diapers arent made any bigger than size 6. Are there any diaper brand names out there that are sized bigger than most? I really dont want to waste a bunch of money trying out different brands...so please help!



Anonymous said...

Have you tried using baby powder? I find this can help absorb some of the liquid that can take longer to soak up into some diapers.

Anonymous said...

I was part of a baby group with several other mothers and we found that there was a trend. Boys seem to do better with Pampers and girls seem to do better with Huggies. That is until they were into the toddler stage then Pampers Baby Dry seemed to be everyones favorite.