Just an Observation...

After being admitted to labor an delivery, a nurse of some sort enters with a checklist to ask me a series of questions including; family medical history, any alergies I might have, my prenatal medical history, and so on. She leaves. Moments later another nurse enters and asks the same questions. Followed by a third nurse, again the same questions, give or take a few, only this time in a different order. Why so many people doing the same job? After all, aren't there people waiting in the ER that you could be tending to?

After the pain, drama and drugs are over with, I'm moved to a public ward room for the remainder of my stay. While lying in my hospital bed, alone, listening, thinking, I hear the hushed conversation of several maternity nurses exchanging stories about other patients. Their tones sound snobby, immature, and mean. I can't quite make out what they say, something embarassing happened, a patient confided in her nurse. She is now being gossiped, and laughed about by people believed to be understanding, sympathetic, and caring. What about patient confidentiality? Maybe there is no such thing within the medical staff. Don't they have work to do? I become annoyed. Maybe there shouldn't be so many of them here tonight if there is not enough work to occupy them all.

In deciding not to nurse my second born, (after a clogged milk duct led to an infection which in turn led to an absess) I am brought small 4 or 5 oz jars of infant formula, which I am to feed her by pouring 1 oz (the most she and most other newborns will eat at a time before spitting up, then falling asleep) into a disposible bottle, using a disposible nipple. I ask the nurse if the rest should go back to the refridgerator, she looks down at me, "Just throw the rest out" she says as if I should already know. Throw it out? I think of the starving kids in the third world, only because of my mother "you eat your food!", she'd say. "All those kids, starving...". What a waste, I think to myself. It's not as if I expect it to become community milk within the ward. I mean how hard would if be to put a sticker on it distinguashing it as mine only. I leave it on the basinet cart. A fresh unopened bottle comes back with my baby along with another disposible bottle and nipple.

I am bought a menu of sorts, and am to select what I would like to eat for the upcoming meals. I circle what I want. What I like. The following morning mealtime comes, most everything is wrong, I don't eat it. I hear my mother. I still don't eat it. I'm picky. I remember the same thing happening last time I was here, "the nutritionist didn't appove of your selections" says my nurse. Then why give me a choice? I offer my carton of milk, unopened back to the orderly, I'd rather get myself some iced water. "Just throw it out" he says. I leave it on my tray, unable to throw it in the garbage, it is taken away, and sits in the hall for hours. What a waste.

Late morning an array of seemingly endless people representing a variety of groups and organizations stop to see me (and every other new comer). They deliver booklets, and coupons, and informative sheets that I set aside. I later sort through, deciding what is of any value. I end up filling the plastic bag left by The Welcome Wagon with crumbled paper products I intend to discard, presuming they recycle paper at least. I am left with only an envelope of things I deem useful. Coupons and such. I fall asleep and awaken to an orderly emptying the trash bin. The Welcome Wagon bag is gone. It has undoubtedly already been added to the orderly's garbage bag. "Excuse me", I say. I hear the orderly speak simultaneously to a nurse at the desk just outside my ward room, I hear laughter, followed by the sqweeking of the dolly's wheels.

When I feel able to, I begin walking to the patient's refridgerator and storing the excess formula there in a grocery bag, I end up taking home 4 nearly full bottles later that evening. I also begin rinsing out the plastic feeding bottles I am otherwise to dispose of. I bring those home too.

My daughter is 3 1/2 months old now, obviously I still find the excessive wastefulness that takes place daily at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital apalling. Apparently this wastefulness isn't just taking place here in Fredericton, but all across Canada. Below is a pie chart published by the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council demonstrating typical hospital waste.


Anonymous said...

hey Girls
I enjoyed reading this post since I also felt appalled after my three day hospital stay at the DECH with the birth of our first daughter on April 28th,2006 @ 2:45 AM, having no clue what to expect I was treated as if i was a complete idiot.While wasting too much is definitely the enormous tip of the iceburg I also experienced many other inconveniences of a public hospital, first I was bombarded by people coming in and out of my room unannounced, nurses being very rude , and food which on its best day was completely disgusting. On my final night I had to put summer in the crib at 2 AM and beg the nurses chatting at the desk to watch her so i could get the first sleep i'd had in three days (even if it was only two hours)because no one had checked in with me at all that evening. I know it will be a different story next time around because I've had this experience and I also will be leaving as soon as I possibly can after the wonderous appearance of our second child...

Anonymous said...

I am really surprised to hear that some hospitals do not recycle their paper at least. As for gossiping nurses: I found out the hard way that if you show any hint of inexperience, they quickly turn into bosses! What I learned after spending 2days with them is that they suddenly become very attentive, when you become aggressive;they are of course hired by the government to attain to your needs! so the next time you find yourself 'a helpless patient', press that fancy little button they put in your hand, and tell them you would like a glass of water, with ice...and smile sweetly...

Anonymous said...

i foudn that too when i had annabelle there. we were in there for a week too since annabelle was in nicu and one night the nurse brought me painkillers and i accidentily knocked them on the floor and she tried to get tme to take them off the floor ew. i was lucky though they took good care of annabelle so that I could rest when she did eventually get moved to the nursery. so they were really good in that respect towards us. i found the nurses in labor and deliver really wonderful though they were with me in the room non-stop the entire time and really great.

J MacKenzie said...

In the births of both my childern the labor and delivery nurses were also great. Thought I cannot remember their names, I would like to thank them if I happened upon them in the future. I also want to mention that the anesthesiologist was great. Had the same guy both times....
I just wanted to shine a little light on the wasting of taxpayers money that takes place at the DECH in one single day. I'm not sure there is anything I can do, but I hope that someone who reads this might tell the right person.
I also want to point out that the rudeness I experienced was indirect. I felt so sorry for the girls who confided in their nurses. People who supposedly went into the field of Care. Only to be exploited.

Anonymous said...

Me Again,
just wanted to add that i also LOVED my labor and delivery nurses , they were absolutely great. My nurse was named Kelly and she was so patient and caring i felt very relaxed the whole time because she was there. One of my very good friends is also an excellent labor and delivery nurse her name is Andrea...

Anonymous said...

I had a completely different experience than you have described...I too had excellent Labour & Delivery nurses but that excellent care continued on the Maternity floor. I would not judge the nurses until you have walked a 12 hour shift in their shoes.

Anonymous said...

I can't say that my experience was bad. My labor experience was great until 5:30pm...haha. I loved my doctor and my nurse (Clo), but after that when the shift changed I did not like the new doctor and the nurses barely spoke to me. Of course I was in really really heavy labor by now, an das I found out later things were bad with the baby so I'm pretty sure everyone was just stressed. The anesthesiologists (I had 2, one first shift, one second) were both fantastic! I loved the maternity nurses I had (save for 1, but there's always 1! lol). I found it to be a great experience overall! Although I do agree about the disgusting food. I didn't really notice much in the way of waste so it didn't really bother me. Whenever I buzzed, I was usually answered fairly quickly unless it was overnight and there was only one nurse, which was understandable. So I'm babbling, but overall I had a pretty good experience! There were a couple things I'm not happy with but I won't go into that :p

Anonymous said...

i do think a lot of the nurses are probably overtired and overworked but I definitely think that does not give anyone the right to act like that to patients. its the same if someone worked as a homecare worker in someones home they would treat them nicely and with respect even if the worker was tired. there is no reason for that not to be the same even in a hospital it is still public service in my opinion. sorry if this sounds rude i dont mean it too!!! :S

Anonymous said...

ok, someone's having a bad day.

I will agree with you on your sanitation point. I'm studying sciences and have heard quite abit on "super-germs" that are in hospitals. Because the germs are constantly being exposed to antibacterial products, they have gotten stronger. (and of course, it's a hospital, that's where you go when you've got these germs!)
It is recommended not to bring children (un-necessarily) into a hospital, to avoid these germs. So, the waste is understandable if you look at it from that perspective. I know the material waste didn't bother me a bit when I was in there.
As for the nurses, I have no complaints. I was in there for a while with my last one, and seen many different nurses. I thought they all were great. Of course you have some that are more friendly than others. But in general, I liked them all. I thought my labour and delivery nurses where super (don't remember they're names, just young girls though) they stayed right there through the whole 15 hrs!
I had no problems with the food, I always got what I had picked.
I did not experience any nurses gossiping.
Aside from some labour/delivery complications, my hospital stay was pretty good.