Not a Kid's Best Friend

British doctors are now saying that children should never be left alone with dogs and should be taught never to to tease them and never to approach an unfamiliar pooch. The study, which was published in the British Medical Journal, says that most child dog bites which occur at home happen when children and dogs are left unsupervised.

Last year more than 4000 people were admitted to hospital in Britain from dog bites and over 20% of these victims were kids under 9, the report says.

Doctors are recommending veterinarians teach dog owners about bite prevention and that dog owners also never allow children to play near a dog who is eating, sleeping, tending to pups, and never allow a child to make eye contact with dogs. In addition to this the dog should be allowed to sniff a child all over before they are allowed to play together.

Are you a dog owner? What do you think of this?


Anonymous said...

well....we have a dog and after summer was born we never allowed him inside because i don't know if i was paranoid or not but i was just too afraid he would hurt her...we are in the process of trying to give buddy away to a loving home where she has lots of room to run ...I, personally dont believe dogs should be near babies, unless very well supervised by a parent. Although when she gets a bit older i would love to get a small dog, as she does love them.

Anonymous said...

I think we have all heard enough stories of dogs eating and biting children. Children and dogs should never be left alone. Children have no idea that a dog can turn on them at any second.

J MacKenzie said...

I agree. Two parents were recently charged because their new rottweiler puppy chewed the toe off their new baby while the baby was sleeping it it's car-seat!!! We do not own a dog.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a dog and never will (not a dog person...haha). But I agree, dogs and kids should never EVER be left alone. Even if it is the best and most gentle dog in the world, you never know. Period.

Anonymous said...

I have a german shepherd and I don't allow my children to be alone with her. Well i shouldn't say that, my son who is seven plays with her outside, but she's not on a lease and if he is teasing her she can freely get away. However I keep a very close eye on the situation because he has hit her before, and i certinaly don't want him getting bitten. I now have a nine month old. We were so nervous at first, but Zora seems very protective around her so we encourage activity between the too. This way Zora does not get jealous.

However I have had family not so smart, my sister allowed her son to be around a dog that was chained, I'm not sure what happen but unfortunaly for her son he got bite bad in the face. I think it was over 100 stiches. This made me mad because it gives dogs a bad name, and they are a very lovable pet who want to run and play.

SO anyone that owns a dog should really take full responsiblity of their pet. So that everyone can enjoy the love you get from a pouch..