So Many Choices.....

With all the different shapes, sizes, and brands of baby bottles out there it's no wonder that making the choice of which one to use is an difficult one. But no matter how much baby companies boast on their proven-to-be-the-best products it's all about marketing. Here is a no-bull breakdown of what your options are in no particular order.

Avent bottles come in 4, 9 and 11 oz sizes. You can also buy accessories like easy to grip handles turn the same baby bottles you used into sippy cups of any size for your toddler that don't leak, guaranteed. This also makes for an easy transition from bottle to cup since the beginner spouts are soft. The bottle's brims are wide which makes for easy cleaning and pouring. The nipples for these bottles are orthodontic, and are said to reduce gas and colic while mimicking the natural shape of a mother's nipple for easy latching. You can also get adjustable flow nipples, so that you don't have buy new ones every 3 months. These bottles also attach directly to the Avent breast pump. For those who prefer the disposable drop in system Avent also has a line of products that fit that category. In addition you can also get parts to make your bottles into snack containers and sport bottles for your your preschooler or older child. Pretty versatile! You can check out all their products here:

Gerber has multiple bottle designs, including the new Comfort Hold bottles. These bottles feature a triangular shape for easy holding and a naturally shaped nipple for easy latching. Gerber too is doing the wide brim with these new bottles for easy cleaning and filling, and features interchangeable sippy soft spouts and handles for when your baby is ready for a cup. Gerber Comfort Hold bottles' nipples are designed to reduce air flow into your baby's tummy. They also still produce the slim classic shaped bottle with a vent nipple. You can see these bottles and others at

Playex, the first company to come out with the Drop-in system, also has a reusable bottle they call Ventaire. The newly designed Drop-in bottles are curved for easier holding and now come in a variety of boy/girl themed bottles, the drop-ins or bags deflate as your baby sucks and significantly reduce gas. The drop-ins are sterilized and disposable making for less clean-up. The nipples, like the Avent and Gerber ones, are shaped to provide for an easy natural latch, or easy transition from breast to bottle. The Ventaire system is a slimmer hard plastic bottle that features a unique leak proof vent at the bottle to help insure your baby gets less air as the air doesn't need to be let in through the nipple. Both of these bottles can be seen here:

The First Years
The First Years company has recently come out with the Soothie feeding system and the Soothie Soother. Both with the same shaped nipples this is a clever product indeed. The bottle's covers snap right onto the bottom of the bottle keeping the inside of the cover clean and the cover itself from getting lost or left behind at a relatives house (happens to me all the time). This bottle is yet another to add to the list of wide necked bottles and naturally shaped nipples, said to relieve gas and colic. These bottles come in 5 and 9 oz sizes, and can be seen at search keyword 'soothie'.


If you are concerned about plastic chemical contamination then these bottles might help ease your mind. They are clear glass bottles. Though heavier than the widely used plastic bottles of today, these classically made bottles
are claimed to be just as easy for your baby to hold, once they get the hang of it. They come in sizes 4 and 8 oz like most bottles and feature a vent flow nipple claimed to help reduce gas and colic. You can also get a Customflo nipple for these bottles that responds to baby's sucking pressure. If the glass bottles aren't for you Evenflo also has a wide neck bottle they call the Elan Vented Nurser. Both these bottles can be seen and purchased here

Tell us what bottles you used and what you liked/didn't like about them. Hopefully it well help others when making their decision.


Anonymous said...

OMG I know!! When we made the switch to bottles I must have stood there for a good 10 minutes wondering what the hell kind to get. I finally bought the Playtex Ventaires, and we have no problems with them.

Anonymous said...

I also used the Avent at first because I had tried pumping, and had that pump and a couple bottles came with it. So until I was able to go to town to buy formula and bottles, we used those, and again, no problems. Jackson is a pretty easy baby though....he doesn't have problems with much!! haha.

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that glass bottles are not recommended for breast milk as an essential component of the milk sticks to the glass and then it doesn't end up in the baby. There's a more technical way to say it but I'm a little frazzled this morning and can't remember exactly what.

We used the Avent bottles with our son. Our Daughter has yet to have a bottle. But when she does it will likely be Avent too.

We had to use the Playtex Ventair on Vacation (that's the only thing they carried at the store we went to) and it was terrible. Our son fussed and went on when we tried to feed him. Then I discovered the reason. I tried to get milk out of the bottle myself and couldn't. I took the friggen thing apart several times and never got it to work any better. I returned it to the store as soon as I could get an Avent bottle.

J MacKenzie said...

Thanks Jackie, I did read however while doing my research for this bottle that a lot of moms actually preferred the glass bottles for breastmilk to the plastic ones because of the heating methods... Not too sure on that one myself.

Ok my own opinion? I have used soooooo many types of bottles, Ventaire 2/5, Playtex drop ins 5/5, Avent 5/5, Gerber slim classic plastic bottles 4/5, and I also used a couple no names because I got them as gifts I think they just depend on the quality of the nipples but I'd give them a 3/5. Those numbers are my ratings of the bottles by the way.

I didn't find that Ventaire worked as it was supposed to but if you use the nipples they DONT recommend then I find they work like regular bottles, nothing special. I do love avent because you literally never need to buy another sippy cup or bottle because they are so versatile and I find my kids didn't get overly gassy using them. Olivia still uses the bottles and Austin uses the cups. Playtex drop ins are great for newborns I thought because they seem to give little of no gas at all to the baby. I did however find the nipples slower than other brands of the same level (recommended age level). Not great for the middle of the night when you just want to get back to bed.

Cassie said...

Seems a lot of people don't like the Ventaire's, but we've never had any problems. I do like how Avent can turn into cups...never knew that. But I already have a stock of the Ventaire, so I'm not about to go buy a whole bunch of new bottles now!! haha

Anonymous said...

I use the playtex drop ins and I love them. As long as you push the air out of the bag, before you feed the baby they dont get gas. It is so much easier to clean because the milk is in bags so you only have to wash the nipple and cover and rinse the bottle.

Anonymous said...

We started with the playtex drop-in and that worked fine, but we moved to the Avent bottles. We probably only chose those because they were inexpensive and sold at CVS, which is just around the corner from the house. Now, I havent stopped using the Avent bottles, but I have a very big complaint. They leak! I've used 4 seperate Avent bottles and they have all leaked. Sometimes, if the cap isn't screwed on exactly right, it will pour out when you're feeding and you don't even notice until the baby is soaked and it's running down your leg (or at least I didn't). That is my biggest complaint about them, enough so that, while I may not go out and get a new bottle because they are still useable and I hate wasting money, I probably wouldn't recommend these to someone else. I've been told the Born Free bottles are the best, and they never leak, and they prevent colic and are BPA free. The only thing stopping me from trying them is the thought of fiddling with the third peice (that goes on before the nipple) in the dark, in the middle of the night, makes me cringe.