A Workout Every Mom Can Do

We're Moms and we're busy. Not many of us have, or feel like using up our precious (not to mention limited) daily down time to work out. Here are some things we can all do while we clean, watch TV, feed the baby, or pick up toys.

So who hates doing dishes? I! We can make the most of it by working our calves while we do this tedious chore. Stand with your feet about hip distance apart, toes pointed out, rise up onto the balls of your feet, hold for 2 seconds, then slowly lower down. As with any exercise, do as many as you can. Have a dishwasher? Do these while you fold laundry, or cook supper.

Glutes AKA: Butt
Even before babies can move around on their own, there is an endless mess that accumulates where ever they go and we seem to end up picking up after these little critters at least 3 times a day. When you're picking items up off the floor, stand with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart, bend over (from your hips) keeping your legs straight and your back parallel to the floor, then, quickly come back up to standing as you tighten your glutes. Don't forget to pick up what you went down there for. This move also stretches your hamstrings and lower back.

Another butt toner: Lie on your back, arms on the floor extended towards your toes, knees bent and feet wide. Lift your hips as high as you can, hold for 3 seconds, and slowly lower down. You can do this one while watching TV! For a little harder twist, try it with a baby on your lower tummy.

Chest & Triceps
We all want our children to leave their mark on the world. Our bodies? Not so much. Lie on the floor while holding free weights, cans, or anything else with some weight to it (even your baby), extend your arms straight in from of you towards the ceiling. Do this at a moderate speed. Try doing these both at an incline, and a decline, by propping pillows or couch cushions under your shoulders, and then under your butt so that you hit all parts of the chest muscle. That will perk up your underlying pectoral muscles and enhance cleavage. You can do this one to entertain your baby (if you're using him or her as a prop), or while you're watching the tube.

Biceps, Thighs & Butt
For the ultimate multi-tasker. You can do this using free weights, or your baby. Stand with your feet about a foot and a half apart, toes pointed slightly out, bend your knees (but try not to extend them past your toes) and squat down while keeping your thighs parallel to the floor, and your back straight. As you lower down, keep your elbows at your sides, and lift your free weights (or baby), palms facing you. Then, simultaneously lower your hands, tighten your glutes, and rise back up to standing. To also work your calves, when you rise up, go that little bit further and rise onto the balls of your feet.

To do while feeding the baby, reading this article, or watching TV. Sit up straight in a chair which you can have your bent knees at a right angle, lift and replace your feet off the floor one at time alternating feet (use your hands to stabilize if needed), letting the lifted foot hang, bring the leg high enough so that the toes do not touch the floor. Try not to lurch forward. To make it a little harder left both legs simultaneously.

You can also try this ab exercise if you find the previous one too easy. Proven to be more effective than any other crunch, the 'reverse crunch' works all 3 parts of your abdominals (your lower, upper, and side abs). Lie on your back in the typical crunch position, lift your feet off the floor, using your abs, bring your legs into your chest, keep using your abs to crunch until your hips are off the floor. You can put your hands to your sides and feel this exercise working your whole core.

Obliques, AKA: Side Abs, AKA: Love Handles
Just twist! Sit up straight, and twist to the left and hold, then to the right and hold, as far as you can. Keep your shoulders back and in line with each other.

Try doing these exercises as often as you can ( at least 2-3 times a week) and you will see results. Remember you don't have to do them all at once, or even all in the same day. After all just because our hormones make us store fat on our hips, thighs and butt, doesn't mean we have to keep it there.

What do you do to stay in shape? Does this include your baby?


J MacKenzie said...

Does anyone know of any public tracks in the city open daily that allow strollers?

J MacKenzie said...

Indoor tracks***

Anonymous said...

hmm.. theres Nashwaaksis Middle school gym ..i know you can go there to walk and they have a couple different lanes for different speeds of people so they may allow strollers ...definitely be my first guess

J MacKenzie said...

Hmm, I have never been in there. Is it like a track? A bunch of us should meet up for a walk, somewhere. I will find out if they allow strollers....

Anonymous said...

yeah they do have lanes but they aren't open durin ghte day.. its the field house. they open weekdays after 7pm and weekends after 1pm its pretty cheap like 25 dollars for the year but not open days...

Anonymous said...

oh yeah they do allow strollers in there though

J MacKenzie said...

I have heard that many people walk in the mall and in the aiken centre on the mornings. The mall opens at 7 am but the stores open at 9 or 10, so the mall is pretty well deserted except for some other people walking... Heather how much does it cost to go to the field house just once? Have you ever gone?

Anonymous said...

i think i went once awhile ago.. oh yeah if you get a membership for a year its 25 for the field house but there is also a weightroom there and its 50 if you want that with the field house. if you just go once it 3 dollars. i think its a pretty good price considering there really isn't anywhere to walk in the winter but...it opens too late for us annabelle goes to bed at 7!!!

Anonymous said...

hey yeah the mall is a good idea since its free!..but the early mornings may be abit out of my league LOL ..brookside mall is never very busy so that would prolly be a good place any way , dont matter to me, the field house would be good on the weekends ..last time i went it was only 1 $ to walk but you never know what the price is now