J MacKenzie said...

Ok, I would like to start brushing my son's teeth, cus I'm super paranoid about cavities (thanks mom), but my son won't let me anywhere near him with a toothbrush, he's about one and a half BTW, any tips?

Robyn said...

I started brushing Micahs teeth when he was around 6 or 7 months (with a rubber bristle finger toothbrush), because I think that is when his first teeth came in. But we always wiped his gums with a wet wash cloth because I read that residue can built up on hte gums from the milk. Anyways, so it did help some to start early, so my advice might he a little different since he started early.

He is now on a stage 1 toothbrush by oral-B or something like that. With this tooth brush he seemed to not like having his done. However, he liked to try to brush his own, so sometimes if I let him try to brush his own before I did it or after I did it he was better about it. Also, my husband (Dustin) found that if Dustin brushed his own teeth and left his tooth brush in his mouth and let my son hang on to the end of his own (Dustin's) while it was in my husbands mouth, Micah would let Dustin brush his teeth at the same time. (I used a lot of names so it would hopefully help to make it less confusing lol).

But now if he is too fussy when we brush them, then we use a washcloth and some of his tooth paste and do it with our finger that way we have more control and it works just as well maybe better.

Hope it helps some.

J MacKenzie said...

Ok, I will try the facecloth thing, it seems like somthing I could do when I bath him every night, then once he gets used to it, get him a kiddie toothbrush, I know I should have started earlier, a ton of ppl kept tellin me not to worry about it... Will try it tomorrow night and keep you posted.

If anyone has any questions they wanna ask, feel free :) I have this as sort of an ask for help blog :)

Robyn said...

I don't think there is any push to start brushing early or anything like that. Micah just got his teeth super early so I thought it couldn't hurt.

J MacKenzie said...

Ha! If I left it up to him, he would throw it on the floor and run away! hehe. I am going to try the facecloth thing tonite, will keep you posted ladies ;)
Thanks again U 2

J MacKenzie said...

Neat, I have never seen that before Amy.

J MacKenzie said...

Well ladies, I tried the facecloth trick in the tub tonight, and it worked! Aust was laughing. Thanks again for both of your inputs. :)

Robyn said...

Good to hear!

Anonymous said...

My son is now 4 years old and I even floss his teeth every night and he loves it. When my son was 9 months old, I use to let him play with his toothbrush and then I would take my turn. We still use that tacting and it works, he has been at the dentist twice and his teeth are great. But let your child explore the toothbrush and even brush your teeth first and then you take turn to do his... Good luck !