The Cost of Parenting

The Canadian population is being dominated by our seniors, and all too often are couples saying they want only one child, maybe two. One of the most common reasons: lack of funds, but children cost you only as much as you let them, and many of today's parent seem to unnecessarily go overboard.

Many childless couples go out. On dates, to parties, on trips, etc. The cost of these outings adds up, and the majority of couples with children claim they don't go out together regularly anymore (if at all), usually only one will attend a party on the weekend (it at all), and vacations are usually closer to home, and consist of less expensive activities. These changes in lifestyle post-baby seem to equalize related expenses.

Before you had children, you never had to buy diapers, formula, or baby food. Many parents feel the need to go out and get the best diapers, the best formula, and only organic baby food. A local RN claims there is no need to buy infant formula with Omega 3 & 6, and that formula companies use this pitch as a sales tactic. She claims that breast milk doesn't naturally contain enough of these fatty acids to be significantly comparable. If you don't want to dish out the cost for formula period, breast feeding is the number one alternative (and the number one choice nutritionally), and it's free. Many breastfeeding moms (or past breastfeeding moms) boast that not having to buy or clean bottles saves them a lot of time and money.

The cost for baby food can also add up, so, if this concerns you, consider making your own. It will taste better to your baby, be more affordable, and you need only do it once a week or more if you make a large batch and freeze it in portions. Making your own baby food also allows you to omit any additives. Because believe it or not there are ingredients added to your babies commercial food. By reading the label you will see that most baby food fruit for example does in fact have added sugar. If the fruit you use to make your own tastes a little sour, you can adjust it accordingly with honey (full of antioxidants), or molasses (rich with vitamins and minerals). It will also be much more self satisfying.

Diapers are probably the biggest cost related to babies. There is no need to buy the most expensive diapers for your little one. Many diaper companies seek contracts with companies like Disney in order to add cute characters to the diaper making it more attractive to the consumer. It is highly unlikely that your child notices, so try and discard it as a selling point. Many brand name diapers are also scented which they also use to hike prices. If you like the scent of brand name diapers, try using powder, which is now available in a solid form and does not become airborne. Big diaper companies also boast leak-proof diapers suitable for children who sleep all night. Unless diapers are individually defective, or too small (or on the brink of switching sizes), no matter the brand the diaper should not leak. If you are having a problem with night-time leaks try using a diaper the next size up at night-time only, just make sure you secure it snug enough. Children who sleep right through aren't taking in any fluids at night for their diapers to overflow anyway.

If you think the cost of diapers all together is too high, there are always cloth diapers. They have been modified a lot over the years so try and discard what discouragement your elders have to offer. You can even get disposable liners (similar in appearance to a toilet paper roll) which are said to be very affordable. If the idea of washing dirty diapers doesn't appeal to you, there are professional cleaning services who will pick up and drop your dirty and clean diapers off right at your door.

Toys and clothes are another cost of having children. There are many local thrift stores (Jinglers, on Prospect, Frenchy's in Oromocto, Salvation Armys, on Main St and Downtown, etc.) in the area with affordable, brand name baby clothes for a fraction of the cost. Many infants wear an outfit once or twice before outgrowing it so most second hand items will be in great shape. You can also ask around. While some people would love to make some money and sell their baby clothes, many are just looking to get rid of them quickly, and most friends and family are more than willing to keep an ear to the ground in your favor.

Yard-sale season is a great time to get some good toys for a huge discount. If you know you're having a baby in the spring, there is no better time to get your gear together than the summer yard-sale scene. You can also check on EBay for clothing and toy lots, if the shipping is reasonable or the seller is local, you might get a great deal.

So, while children might cost you the equivalent of a monthly car payment, there are many ways to offset the expenses, besides, aren't they more than worth it?


Heather said...

i was lucky with the clothing costs with annabelle she wore each size for 3-4 months each! so all her clothes got good wear out of them.

Anonymous said...

Breastfeeding is a very unselfish deed. I found at the end I was ready to give up. However like you said it's free and a wonderful bonding experience. I saved nine months of formula! I agree with your opening statement. Parents choose to spend too much!!

J MacKenzie said...

I don't find that my children cost me a lot, we have tried every type of diaper, each at least a few times and I prefer the Co-Op brand; Simply Kids. I THINK they are made in Canada too. They sell for 12.99 and go on sale for 10.99 regularly. :)

Heather said...

i didn't find annabelle overly expensive... although i didn't breastfeed i had no desire to do it! lol but..if i wasn't spending the cash on diapers, formula and babyfood id be spending it on something else so it really never bothered me

J MacKenzie said...

Exactly Heather. I don't go out nearly as often and either does Daniel. We hardly ever go on dates either, but will stay home and have a beer after the kids go to bed on the weekends. :)

*Candace* said...

I breastfed for almost 4 months and it saved us lots of money, josh had a diaper party before summer was born so we had enough diapers for that long too formula we're using is pretty expensive but we're close to switching to cows milk .. as for clothes & toys ..i'm a sucker for name brands & fancy new toys so alot of our money goes to that .. but as mentioned before if we weren't spending it on that we'd be spending it on other other stupid stuff so it doesn't really bother me ..

Robyn said...

I loved breastfeeding, it was awesome. I would do it again in a second. I dried up and no amount of pumping would help so I had to stop, but I loved it and probably would still be nursing now if I could.

I find Micah not to be that expensive at all. I make a lot of my own baby-food - mainly because it tastes better and I know that no dyes or preservatives are going into it, and no added sugar. I by compliments diapers for the day and huggies for the night. When I buy Micah extra things (I like to splurge on brand name clothes sometimes) I know I am doing it because I want to not because I have to.