Moody Men!

Irritability, depression, bloating, and raging hormones. These are the symptoms of the male hormonal cycle. Yes that's right. There are finally explanations for your man's moodiness. Experts and physicians are calling it "Irritable Male Syndrome" (IMS), and claim a fluctuation in testosterone levels may be affecting millions of men every day. Though men's cycles aren't month-long like a lady's, their cycle affects them with all the characteristics they label on us, in a single 24 hour period (no pun intended). So, next time he calls you moody!

Ever wonder why most men are morning people? Testosterone seriously affects a male's behavior, and these levels are highest in the AM, diminishing as the day goes on. These early morning testosterone highs make men energetic, chatty, aggressive, competitive, focused, impulsive, and give them that I-can-do-it-myself attitude. The high testosterone levels also make some men antsy, easy to anger, more likely to say no, and more likely to initiate sex.

In the afternoon this hormonal high eases off, and he may seem more approachable and smile more often. He may also be more willing to work with others rather than wanting to do things solo. Though still driven, and focused, most men are not as quick to anger at this time of day.

When he comes home in the evening, he will likely be more passive, more agreeable, more likely to injure himself, or get into an accident, less alert or "fuzzy". This is also the time of day when most men feel a dip in their libido, of course, there are always exceptions. This however is a great time to ask about that trip to the mall you've been secretly planning with the girls, as he is most likely to say yes.

Moods are very subjective, so, of course there are always exceptions. A man’s testosterone is affected by most everything he does. For instance if he is; stressed, consuming alcohol, watching an action flick, playing a video game, competing in, or in anticipation of sports: his levels will likely be high. His testosterone peaks if his team wins, but if they lose, he may feel blue, cranky or lethargic afterward, so beware, you might want to steer clear.

One Dr. claims that IMS is incredibly common and affects up to 30 % of all men. This is commonly called the male version of PMS, and as they age, it only gets worse. More research is needed, but men as young as in their 30s have been showing signs of what I like to call- manopause and some appear to experience permanent dips in testosterone (unless given hormonal treatments, which have been proven to be effective) and have symptoms of depression, moodiness, irritability and loss of sexual desire. This change in personality can be confusing for people who know them, especially for their partners. Women may start to worry and wonder what is going on, thinking that their men may have found someone new, or that he is no longer attracted to her. His doctor can diagnose IMS with a few simple questions and tests.

So next time your man calls you moody, cranky, or says that you must be having PMS, you'll know that he has his share of uncontrollable moodiness, at least yours is only once a month.

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