One For Young Moms

The majority of today's first-time moms are 30 to 35 and getting older. It seems that women are now reorganizing their life accomplishment priorities and children are falling last on the list below college or university degrees, careers, marriage, and home ownership. This new order of things seems to be creating a negative opinion towards younger mothers, leaving them frowned upon and less respected.

There is no relation between this treatment by society and the outcome of these mothers' children. People tend to view all young mothers under the same stereotypical umbrella of doom. Believing that they don't know enough about life, love, or responsibilities. Though that may be true, there is no better way to learn these life lessons than parenthood.

Many young moms feel pressure to immerse themselves in work or school because society emits a sense that those achievements should be established prior to having children as a means of providing a "financially stable" environment. Studies show that many women who become mothers beforehand often do attain post-secondary education and careers like their counter-parts, only in a different order. Some even take on the position of juggling mother-hood, a job, and/or part or full time college or university life as single mothers. And thought they may struggle, they likely see more of the true value in things, and live within their means. However, the media and public fail to recognize these facts.

It isn't just education and careers that many young moms are believed to be lacking, a large majority are unmarried, and though some may be living common law, it is still perceived as one milestone that should be established before the conception, and birth of any children, even though 45% of Canadian marriages end in divorce.

Contrary to belief there are benefits to being a young mum. Conception, pregnancy, and childbirth have all been said to be easier. Birth defects and prenatal complications are at a lower rate. Post-pregnancy weight is shed faster, and 20 something moms seem to be more excepting of their new post-baby body (stretch marks and all) than 30 something moms. There is also much energy needed to take care of a newborn baby, and eventually, a toddler. Many older moms complain during pregnancy and beyond of fatigue, irritability, and decreased sex drive, and while moms still in their 20s do complain of the same symptoms, they seem to be much more mild in severity.

So next time you get "that look" at the grocery store, and feel guilty or less than sufficient, try and remember that you don't have to live up to their expectations of what a mother should look like, and that just because you have a child, that doesn't meant you will never accomplish anything, but that you completed the most important step first.


Anonymous said...

I Think this is a very good point, and very good article. I was a mom at twenty , and not married. Infact I decided to take on the challenge completly alone. Not one person offered a helping hand. Besides other twenty year girls. Anyways it was the hardest job i've ever had to do. I hold my head up high because in my circumstances I did a hell of a good job. Now i'm a mom and married, and I still feel like other thirty something mom's frown at me. I wear a wedding ring and that's the only differents this time around and it's been eight years since my first. So maybe we are just critical of each other because we are women. Our age isnt the issue its how we are judge by society. And like you, I really don't give a rats behind what the wealthy older couple think of myself or my husband.

J MacKenzie said...

People try and belittle you to make themselves feel better. It's a known fact. I'm proud to be a young mom. I will hopefully see my children's children, and maybe even THEIR children. I will be here for most of the important milestones of their lives, and when they turn 20 and I turn 40, I will get my house back :P

*Candace* said...

Well me people who make fun at others tend to because they are self conscious themselves and i think that many people who look at young moms in a bad way do because they don't know whether they could have done it themselves and i feel proud to know that I am doing it and doing it no one in my family had a child above 25 so that means that right now there are 4 generations from summer to my grandmother ..and most likely my grandmother will see summer's kids which i think is great and like jess said we'll still be very young when they move out so we'll have the benefit of many good years with each other to enjoy life and of course our grandchildren ...(as our parents are doing now!)

The McDonnells said...

I don't see how you have to do it one way or the other, really. The article seems to insinuate that you either have a baby and then do school, start a career, relationships/marriage, buy a house, etc or do all of that and then have a baby.

I'm a young mom too and I fall somewhere in the middle where I feel more women actually do.

I got engaged and married while I was in school, had Cole a couple weeks before graduating with a degree in nursing, stayed home a few months, went into my career, bought a house and now we're onto baby number 2 and I'm only 25!

I think young moms get a lot of flack because you're supposed to "take time" and "enjoy life" before you "settle" for family life. For me, it wasn't that way at all. We sort of did it all at once and couldn't be happier! I have the perks of adulthood plus the joys of motherhood and the crapiness of student loan debt all in one! Haha!

J MacKenzie said...

No, this article just points out that society seems to look down on young mothers and is very presumptuous on the achievements and goals of young mothers, and regardless of those goals or accomplishments, people treat them like they are too young, or not ready to have kids. Do things in the order you wish, all I am saying, is that many people seem to think unless you, get a house, get married etc., then you shouldn't. I just don't think that's the case....

Anonymous said...

I think the point was when we have our children before thirty women are being judge or felt sorry for. I don't need pity, I am happy and infact I plan to have at least one more before I hit thirty. Then someone can snarl that I'm costing the free medicare to much money so they will have to start charging, ive actually heard that once. Haha.

*Candace* said...

I am so confused , why would u get more money if you were under 30 or for that matter any age ???

The McDonnells said...

I hear ya, Amanda! Ideally I'd like to be done having my kids by the time I'm 30 so I still have enough energy to enjoy them!

Anonymous said...

Candace , I just ment that the more kids you have the more dependants you have for health care, and once a women said, "you shouldn't want four children you know, the government has a hard enough time funding medicare, we don't need families like you adding more kids." can you imagine, HAHA, i said, too funny.

*Candace* said...

LOL ..oh man some people are dumb.. u should tell them about the census reports about how the population is declining in Canada (aparently lots of ppl are opting not to have children or to just have one) and they need families like yours .. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh i read that report the other day too, i was alittle surprised, I thought maybe it was a lie. Then again alot of families are only having one child. Things change everyday though.

J MacKenzie said...

Birth rates are definitely declining! Its those moms who wait to have children that often decide one is enough. Many of them are forced to seek IVF treatments which are costly and stressful.

Robyn said...

I love being a young mom, but so called scientific research has been used to protray young moms as deviant and unfit mothers. However, there has been found to be a lot of flaws that are found in this research with sample sizes and a bunch of other stuff. Anyways, the government will even base policy making on this flawed research. Therefore, a lot of people come to see young moms as incapable, when that is clearly not the case.

Research that actually takes into consideration the thoughts of the mother herself has shown that young mothers overall enjoy being mothers and are proud to be good parents. Furthermore, in many instances young mothers have said that having their child prompted them to make positive life changes.

I love being a young mom no matter to poop from others ya got to put up with.

Great article by the way

Anonymous said...

I love being a young mom.. i will have my second child (due sept.) when i am 22. i am a single mom, and though i haven't gone to uni. or collage yet. i do plan on it... i just want to enjoy my kids as babies first cause the grow up so quick.
it is hard sometimes just because I'm not were i would like to be financially but i think even that has it's upside, we don't take things for granted.. and really see what things are worth.. we don't go out to movies or other costly activities.. instead we go to a park or for a walk or watch a movie at home. spend quality time together instead. my girl (she's 1 1/2years old) knows she can have everything that she wants and that is the way i want her to be.
i love the fact that even after this child is born i may still consider having more (assuming of coarse i get in a relationship with someone). i mean now as it is i would love to more even after this one. :) just need a good man (or reunite with my ex... daddy of my 2 kids) with the same

sorry for the rambling..i do so like

Mayghan said...

Arg were dealing with this with my husbands family right now, were looked down on because Im young (Im 23, hes 29)and we shouldnt be having kids yet... they acted like our son was just the worst thing that we could have done because I was still in school and we were only engaged.
Well 16 months after having our son Im still in school working on my degree, we're married, and were expecting again (which they dont know!) we support ourselves so I dont see how it is anyone else's business.
What really annoys me is that I know way too many young moms who give the rest of us a bad rap... theres bad older moms too but noone ever talks about them!
Anyways I love being a young mom, we want 4 kids at least and I want to be done by the time Im 30 just because thats my ideal life! I get to enjoy them, and watch them grow up and have their own families!