What's a Mom To Do?

One of the biggest decisions after your child is born is when, and if to go back to work or school. This self imposed question is often followed by many more. Who will watch the baby? How will I cope with being away, and missing special moments? How will the baby cope with being away from me? How much is it going to cost me?

Start off by asking yourself why you are considering returning to work or school.

For most, going back into the work force is a simple matter of finances. After the first year, maternity leave is no more if it were there in the first place, and this can put a strain on many families. Sometimes the stress of being financially inept, can make it an obligation. However, the cost of childcare today may make the idea of going back to work not as rosy as reality, and you may end up in the same economic situation you started in. There are government programs available to help pay for childcare costs which could help your family be more financially stable, less stressed and much more comfortable.

Some moms on the other hand feel obliged to return to work, because they believe their partners want them to do so. They may also be feeling that they are not contributing as much as their counterpart. Step back and have an eagle-eye view of what exactly you do manage in the home, and make a list, it's likely more than you think. You should also talk to your spouse, and find out what he thinks, he may rather that your child or children be with their mother in the comfort of their own home. You might be surprised, and this can help put your mind at ease. If you going back to work or school is what he really wants, then you can discuss your feelings with him, and come to an agreement out in the open. You could also look into working from home, there are companies who hire at home telephone sales agents (like ICT Group), and data entry employees, and though part time might be all you can manage, it might be just what you need. Starting your own business is also an option. Most everyone has a hobby (sewing, baking, painting, etc.) or one thing they are interested in, so go with it. It will help occupy your time and help you feel more self worth.

Pressure. Many moms, especially young ones, feel guilty because society seems to look down on young mothers who stay at home. If you let someone pressure you into doing something, like going back to school, you will undoubtedly drop the whole idea just as fast as you took it up because it truly isn't what you want. If you do want to get more education, try starting slow. You can take classes part time in the beginning and work your way up to a larger workload if you are enjoying it. You can also take correspondence courses from home, or sign on with an online recognized university (like Athabasca). If you prefer a classroom environment, starting part time, and gradually increasing it will be easier on both of you, rather than abruptly being away from one another for the entire day.

Your baby just isn't a baby anymore. One mom recently said that she isn't feeling very needed now that her daughter is getting well into her second year. If you are planning on having more children in the future, perhaps now is the time to expand your family. Another baby is sure to keep you busy, and they certainly are dependent. Experts say that children closer in age tend to have a stronger bond. Once your family is at your desired size, you could then begin taking classes part time, as previously stated, and then once your children are ready for kindergarten, you will be more comfortable with, and prepared to re-enter the work force or college/university environment.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!! This is a subject I can relate with, the feelings, the questions. I'm living in Calgary and if I want to put my children in daycare,i'm looking at paying,a thousand dollars plus a month.

I also missed out on the opporunity with my first. I was a single mom and had no choice, I had to work. But, my husband and I both agree that having a parent at home is the best thing,even when they do get older.

From my point of view, your at home when the teachers call, your at school to volunteer, your there. When we decide to have children we have to do what's best for them. If your not going to be able to save for college on one income then it's probably best to work a part time job.

Children adjust to pretty much everything, even the crappy situations. Having mom and dad both working in the house so that they can be better off isn't a crappy situation. I would say good luck to any mother that plans on juggling both. It's a busy job but with a great partner, it's possible.

Robyn said...

I can also relate to this topic. I am a stay-at-home mother and a full-time student. I never questioned whether I should go back to school or not. I had Micah 2 days after I wrote my finals, so I got to spend over 4 months off with him (summer break), and started back to school fulltime when he was around 5 months. I never took a break from school, because many who do never go back (other then the break I would of had anyways). Furthermore, going to school seemed sensible for ME and OUr situation - I am home by noon everyday and I have an AMAZING sitter.

I had enormous guilt because my mother was a stay at home mom, and my parents left us like once a year to go out on their anniversary and I liked it that way. I wanted to stay home with Micah, but I knew I had to make the choice that was best for Micah and myself. So I take him to class with me as much as I can and outside of that my sitter rocks, so it has eased the guilt.

I love staying at home with Micah, but people need to do what is best for themselves and their families and not always is that having the mother stay at home. The best thing to do it to make the choice and not feel guilty about it. I plan on staying home with Micah when I graduate from STU until he and any future children start school but that does not mean it is the right choice for everyone. There is no definate answer that staying home is best or that working is best - it has to be based on individual situations.

*Candace* said...

.hey. I am a stay-at-Home mom and I absolutely love it ..I can't even imagine someone else taking care of my child full-time .. I get nervous even when we get a sitter on the weekends sometimes ..I do however try to get out of the house as much as I can and I think thats what keeps me sane ..Although I can completely understand someone's need to go back to work or school we have just decided that me staying home would be the easiest and cheapest way as I would like to be able to stay home for all three children but I wouldn't mind working from home or having a small part-time job and perhaps going back to work after the kids are in school ...

sara said...

I made the decision to go back to school after having the 2nd one. they were 14 mths and 2 mths when i went back. It just made me realize that i had to quit wasting time and get my degree done. I could have waited until they were older, but I want to get it done as soon as i can. I think everyone know what's right for them, and that's probably the right decision for them. Beside, I'm not a homebody anyways, i don't know if i could stay home all day without going stir crazy! Don't know how you do it Jess!

J MacKenzie said...

Same way lots of moms do it. There is no shortage of housework, cooking, playing, and taking care of the kids to do. I'm happy to stay home with them, they are only this little once.

Anonymous said...

that's right that they are only little once, I can't leave my daughter, no way, i left my son and I feel bad about it. Now i am a lucky mom because I get to do what I like and find out the true me. Doesn't mean I dont have a career, i just have one that doesn't pay so well. It will be a big payday when they grow up and remember just how much mom did for them. To keep myself busy, I write, clean and play with my kids.

Anonymous said...

WOW! All these moms who are able to stay home, you are sooo lucky. AS for me, I financially have to go back. Mortgages, student loans, car payments etc., are all bills that are still ongoing. A lot of Wonderful Moms work and raise children.

This is not my choice and I struggle with it everyday. I have three more months until i return to work and I am dreading it. I refuse to have my daughter go with anyone during the day because I know I have limited time left with her and I want to spend as much time as possible.

So to all you Moms out there that are able to stay home, CONGRATS! I am soooo Happy for you.

As for me, I will cry everytime I drop my daughter off to be cared for by someone else.