Get a new sitter?

"So I am having a bit of a dilemma.

I thought I had a great baby sitter but I will let you be the judge, because I really do want some honest outside opinions on this one.

First I want to tell you all that I used to babysit this girl, and know her family well, there are 6 of them (kids) and I still maintain a great relationship with the parents because I really find them to be good people and for the kids to be some of the best I have seen.

Their 13 year old daughter has become my babysitter. I only get a sitter after the kids have gone to bed because I am paranoid, lol. Well, on new years eve, I put the kids to bed and my sitter called and asked if she could bring a friend, we discussed it and called her back, said OK, they came, we left.

Maybe this is stupid on my part but we left a half drank bottle of wine in the fridge. Well come to find out a couple days later, when hubby went for a glass, it was nearly empty, and by nearly I mean there was about half an ounce left in there. So they drank quite a bit.

Heres there thing, I know what young girls are like when they are together and I honestly doubt that it would happen again with just my sitter alone, it had never happened before, but I can't help but wonder if I should find a new sitter.

I have sat down with her and her parents and she admitted to it after her friend confessed (also her cousin) on the phone with my sitters mom. I really don't know what to do. It's possible she is not responsible enough to be looking after my children, or that maybe she got caught up in the excitement.

Either way it is not acceptable that not only was she drinking while caring for my kids but that she in fact stole from me. Would like some opinions on this one, because I really dont know what to do...



The McDonnells said...

I wouldn't have her babysit again. First off, she is only 13 which in my opinion is way too young to be babysitting at night time alone anyway. Second, she's 13 and was drinking. Third, she's 13, was drinking AND essentially stole from you. That's not someone I could ever trust again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well see they live next door to me, so if she needed help she could call her mom over. And I guess I thought she would be good because she has so many younger siblings. But, aside from that, you're right. She did steal from me. Which would be grounds for firing at ANY job right?

The McDonnells said...

Exactly. As would drinking on the job. And you know, maybe it was just her friend who influenced her to do it but still. I don't think I would be able to trust her alone with my kids again. And if she gets away with this sort of thing this time, Lord only knows what might happen next time.

Anonymous said...

You're right.. She could very well have said no I can't do that to her friend. I will just not call her again.

See that's why I confronted her with it, because I figured that if I did call her again and she thought she got away with it she might try it again... but I think youre right, I should maybe try and find someone older.