Missing Girl

"Three-year-old Alexandra Wright of Fort Fairfield, Maine, was last seen around 11 a.m. on Wednesday. Searchers are concentrating on a two-mile stretch of the river in Fort Fairfield, east to the Canadian border.

Wednesday, searchers found a boot belonging to Alexandria, about 500 feet downriver from the apartment. A matching boot was later found about one mile downstream.

It has been a heartbreaking couple of days for Mandy Wright, the girl's mother, as well as dozens of people who've been combing the area looking for the little girl.

Mandy Wright says her daughter was wearing only a long sleeve shirt and boots when she slipped away from their apartment. Wright says she was was in the bathroom when the girl opened the sliding glass door and headed toward the river.

"When I came out my three year old little girl was gone I checked all through the house for her and she wasn't in there. So I bundled up my infant and took her outside and looked around for a half hour and I couldn't find her," said Wright.

A warden service spokesman says the river is running so fast, and is so murky with runoff and debris, that divers can only search the eddies. Planes and helicopters are searching from the air.

Over 50 people, including Maine game wardens, forest rangers, state police, and border parol agents, joined in the search effort Thursday. The search resumed Friday morning. However, at this point, officials are not expecting a good outcome."



Anonymous said...

I will pray for her, and her family for her safe return..

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone will