Postpartum Depression Support Forum

This is a forum for support and discussion of postpartum depression. You can remain anonymous, nothing will be reported to health care professionals unless you yourself decide to seek help, or to have someone seek help for you.


Anonymous said...

I know I felt sad when I had my first, I would just feel like crying for no reason. My moods would fluctuate, and it would hit me suddenly, I don't remember exactly what thoughts I was having at the time, but I know I would feel severely depressed. It lasted about 2 weeks I think. I don't think I received any calls, or evaluations of my thoughts or feelings, I likely would have blown them off anyhow.


J MacKenzie said...

Hi Ladies, I just want to post this information: MOMS Program (Mothers Offering Mentorship and Support)- is a community based program that consists of experienced moms who have previously suffered from postpartum depression offering home visits to mothers with postpartum depression. For more information, contact person: Program Director, Linda Duffett-Leger, phone: (506) 447-3043.