Sand Boxes

For those who don't know, we bought a house, and I want to set up a sand box when we get there. I have never done this before, but I would like to have one that is built into the ground, as opposed to one of those plastic ones...

Where do you typically get sand? Or is sand from some random pit OK? Should we just frame it on the ground, or on the ground???

Just looking for some ideas. Can't start till the end of May at least (when we move)...

Thanks Ladies


Heather said...


you can buy sand at toysrus but the garden centers like superstore also sell them pretty cheap

J MacKenzie said...

You can? OK I am looking for affordable lol

Does Bella have one?

Heather said...

no she has a sandtable

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd be putting one right in the ground unless you can get a good barrier under and on the sides and a good lid to keep stray cats and other animals out. Cats love outdoor sand boxes and often use them for litter boxes. As for the sand, I'd go with play sand you can buy at any hardware store because it's clean and filtered and safe and very fine and works really well with outdoor sand box toys. But if you don't have a cover on your sandbox, buying play sand isn't going to do you much good.

J MacKenzie said...

Because of the wind you mean?

J MacKenzie said...

I completely didn't think about stray cats! Thanks for that, if we build our own we will have to build a cover as well, not too much more work, but definitely a great suggestion! Thanks again!

So how much do you think it would cost me to fill a sand box with sand from the hardware store? Just trying to get some ideas...

Anonymous said...

It depends on how big your sand box is. We have a small turtle one and it took 2 bags of sand and they were about $5 a bag. The bags, I think, were like 20kg or something like that. But yeah, you'll definitely need a cover and I think I'd put it on top of the ground with a piece of plywood and a vapor barrier to keep moisture and a lot of the bugs out (slugs and worms especially) and do the same for the walls.

J MacKenzie said...

Wow thanks a lot!! You've been really helpful :)

Anonymous said...

No problem...I'm quite anal about things like that. Mold and bugs and cat poop are not things I'd want any child playing in ;) We change the sand every year in our sand box and keep the lid on with a bungee cord!

J MacKenzie said...


Anonymous said...

maybe youd be better off buying a plastic one its more sanitary? and you can get pretty large sized ones...

J MacKenzie said...

Yea, I was just kinda thinking that, and that it might just easier, with the fitted cover and all.

How much do they typically cost?

Anonymous said...

The store bought ones definitely are easier...

Anonymous said...

Here's a good link on sanitary sand play:

J MacKenzie said...

Yea, I will likely look into that, I didn't realize there was so much too it, but everything you are saying makes perfect sense. LOL, they sure weren't concerns when we were young eh? LOL

Unknown said...

When I was looking for a sandbox last year, I found that the plastic ones were really expensive. So, I ended up buying one of those hard-plastic pools instead. They are at least half the price and are bigger too. However, they don't have covers. It works great though - pretty much the same.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessakah, Toys'R'Us has a and box on sale right now for around $25 I think. It's hard plastic with a cover. Might be worth checking out:)