Smoking With Children

Seeing a mom-to-be puffing on a cigarette, or drinking more than a couple beer (most doctors say one is OK) is painful and saddening for some to watch. The effects of smoking on a baby in the womb are quite significant, yet many still can't kick the habit, or resist the urge to drink or do drugs, and often blame any defects or health issues with the child on some other factor, uncontrollable by them.

We have all heard the effects smoking has on the unborn child; reduced oxygen, less growth, increased risk of miscarrying, chemicals reaching the baby, and the high risk of asthma, or other breathing related problems. Over 100 babies die every year due to their mother's smoking habits while pregnant, according to StatsCan.

In Canada, it is illegal for underage children to drink or smoke, or for anyone to buy these products for them. It may also soon be illegal for parents to smoke in a vehicle containing children, and is already against the law in some parts of the US and other countries.

According to Health Canada, whether a women quits later rather than sooner, as long as she quits, the results are still better than for those who decided to smoke continuously. And, the misconceived notion that quiting is worse for the child, due to the stress put on the mother, and thus the baby, has been proven to be false. Often times, the severe cravings described, pass within the first 2 weeks of quitting, only continuing to diminish. The stress on the baby some worry about, is said to be far less harmful, if at all, in comparison the the negative effects of smoking.

The reasonings for these existing and potential laws are comparable to the recommended avoidance of intake while pregnant.

How do you feel about the proposing law, no longer allowing an individual to smoke in a vehicle containing a child? Do you think that it should then be illegal for a pregnant woman to smoke, or drink since it is illegal for one to purchase these items for a child? Or that essentially, she is giving cigarettes or alcohol to a minor?


Anonymous said...

First off, I've gotta say I've got an issue with your statement about "drinking more than a few beers". Pregnant women should not drink AT ALL because it is unknown just how much (or how little) alcohol is needed to put that baby on the fetal alcohol spectrum.

I don't think that there can be a law put in place to make it so that it is illegal for pregnant women to smoke or drink because it isn't illegal for adults to smoke or drink so long as they are of age. Not to mention the difficult in enforcing said law. For many women, especially with their first child, it's virtually impossible to tell that they are pregnant until about the 6th or 7th month and even then, they may only look like they are carrying a little extra chub and not a baby. So short of asking every woman who wants to buy cigarrettes or booze to pee on a stick first, I don't see how that's possible. I think we need to really enhance education around what smoking and drinking will do to an unborn baby and not pussyfoot around it like is being done now. Show expectant mothers a newborn with FAS or in NICU as a result of smoking while pregnant. Sometimes scare tactics work! And we definitely need to abolish the whole "well MY mom smoked when she was pregnant with me and I turned out FINE" kind of mentality.

I wholeheartedly agree with making it illegal to smoke with children in the vehicles though. I think it'll be difficult to enforce, but I think there is a need for it. We've come so far with anti smoking laws that I feel the powers that be need to keep pushing for stricter laws on it. That, and cell phones while driving. But don't get me started on that one!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely think it should be illegal for a pregnant women to smoke. It's child abuse!! I don't care what anyone wants to say about a woman's body and her rights. That baby has rights too, and forcing a baby to smoke is just wrong. Two men were charged for making two toddlers smoke a joint. Same thing if you ask me, abuse.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous, my doctor told me I could have a drink here or there while pregnant, I presume that's what she was referring to....?

I agree that the mentality about well my mom, and I know so ans so did, and bla bla bla, I think that's just an excuse to be selfesh!

J MacKenzie said...

Anon, I agree that women should not drink at all, and even though my doctor told me it was "OK" if I wanted to have a birthday beer, I abstained.

Jenn, yes, that's what I was referring to.

Anonymous said...

In an ideal world, Jenn...I would agree. But like I said, the problem is enforcing the law. It'd be virtually impossible to do. And I know that some doctors do allow for some alcohol consumption during pregnancy, but if you look at the research on FAS you'll see that there is no minimum or maximum amount of alcohol required to effect the child and for me, that's just not a risk I'm willing to take nor do I think anyone should be encouraged to take said risk.

J MacKenzie said...

I completely agree Anon., I am not sure why doctors tell moms that. It seems like a recipe for disaster, especially with young moms who may not be properly educated on the topic.

I think we are getting away from the point though...

However I agree that more education needs to be in place.

In response to your statement about difficulty enforcing the law (smoking in cars with children) I think it can't be any more difficult than enforcing speeding or seatbelt laws. If you get caught you get fined.

Anonymous said...

I had a beer here and there when I was pregnant. My doctor told me it was ok. I never drank more than one at a time. I would have no problem with it being illegal, or smoking for that matter.

Anonymous said...

When I see a pregnant woman smoking I just wanna slap her. that is so ignorant and selfesh of her to do. it should be illegal to smoke around children at any age, even in utero.

Anonymous said...

It completely saddens me when I see expecting mothers smoking, while they are fully aware of the effects of the smoke to their growing baby. I believe it to be so selfish to put your own wants before your baby's needs and health and safety. For the first month of my pregnancy, I never knew I was expecting and I smoked ciggarettes and drank every weekend, I also was doing a few different minor drugs at the time. However, the day I suspected I was pregnant, I put everything down and even removed myself from situations that I would be exposed to second hand smoke. It just irritates me so much that people use the excuse that it would cause more stress on the baby to quit. That is complete bull, and those mothers are just trying to justify and excuse what they know is wrong.

I also strongly disagree about people smoking in the presence of children. It is just plain stupid and people know better but again, too selfish to put their children first.

I am not sure how it would go over being enforced.. it's quite a controversial topic.. but I hope someday something happens to protect our future generations. It just makes me wonder why so many people choose to have children if they aren't ready to make the sacrifices that are ultimately needed... there are too many instances of this happening today in our society.. although it was the same if not worse a few generations back.. so I suppose our awareness has grown quite a bit over the past few decades.

One thing I don't understand is doctors saying it is alright to have a drink here and there.. my doctor never told me that, but I have heard this before from other people.. OUTRAGEOUS!

Heather said...

i have heard that before too..that a beer once a month was alright.. although i dont agree with it at all. i too think it would be a bit hard to enforce a law like that. i guess it would apply more to prgnant women who are showing.. ive never smoked myself but when i was pregnant i often picked up cigarettes for my mom also have that too.. i don't agree with smoking with children in the car at all. and the smoking or drinking while pregnant i am completely against anyways. i have also seen a lot of moms pregnant and at the bar...i dont agree with that either really. i was single when i was pregnnat for the last half of my pregnancy and i never stepped foot in a bar until after i had my daughter. i agree with the first poster about the pictures of FASD children etc. or videos of the long lasting effects that these children carry with them. i took a certified FASD workshop about 6 years ago while taking ECE and people really wouldn't believe how much it affects a child all you really ever hear about are the facial features...but it goes a long way..and not worth having a beer a month i don't think.

and..that is my two cents for today! lol

Anonymous said...

I smoked with all 3 of my kids and they are fine. it IS my body and I will do what i want. my doctor even TOLD me that quitting was worse off. None of my kids have asthma and they were all fine weights.

Anonymous said...

of course you will do what you want but not what was best for ur kids

Anonymous said...

Not to be rude, but Jill...that's the exact mindset that we as a society need to overcome. Sure your children may be the lucky ones who are "fine" but the bottom line is it's a health risk that should not be imposed upon unborn children who cannot make that decision for themselves. Personally, my mother smoked when she was pregnant with both my brother and I and while we were both healthy birth weights I had severe ear infections and was frequently hospitalized for it and suffer from minor hearing loss in one ear. My younger brother had month bronchitis from the time he was 6 months old until 3 years old. Just because your children may be lucky enough to escape some of the health issues that accompany smoking while pregnant does not make it ok for pregnant women to smoke. Your doctor obviously needs to upgrade his/her information because that data is from a VERY old school of thought.

Anonymous said...

its like drinking thru your pregnancy and saying hey i beat the baby doesn't have fas or fae!

my mom had my brother and i in the 70's and she never even smoked with either of us... and that was 'way back when..' but it has been proven that smoking leads to health problems, small birth weight etc. a lot of research has gone into this and there is really no arguing around facts. i honestly have never ever heard of a dr saying its ok to smoke... i know some do suggest that a couple alcoholic drinks don't harm anything although there are a lot of drs who would argue that point too.. what it comes down to is that it may be your body but you have to take care of your body as it is growing and nurturing your child. which is why we eat healthier, drink more milk etc when pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Surely to God a person can set aside smoking and drinking and doing whatever else for 9 measly months in order to have a healthy child!

Anonymous said...

First of all I want to ask how many people here actually smoke? If you don't smoke then you don't know how hard it is to quit. I was a heavy smoker before I found out I was pregnant. Before I was pregnant I smoke half a pack or more a day and when I realized I was pregnant I tried my best to quit. I only smoked about once or twice a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. Lord knows I felt guilty everytime I did but I couldn't help it. My baby was fine, never even had a cold yet, and he weighed over 9 pounds. You guys can live your lives with you beliefs, but don't discriminate untill you know someone's whole story....It's our own life and we make our own choices.

J MacKenzie said...

I smoked before I had my children, as soon as I learned I was pregnant, that was reason enough for me to quit. Everytime I craved or thought I "needed a smoke" I thought of my baby, and I didn't have one puff. If you're wondering how long I smoked before I had kids, 6 years.

Anonymous said...

i dont smoke but i know a lot of people who smoked heavily and gave it up as soon as they found out they were pregnant... yes its hard my opinion its worth it. so no i dont know how hard it is but i do know that most people do it.

Anonymous said...

Let me ask you this to the second anon smoker, would you blow smoke in a baby's face? Is it not the same thing?

Anonymous said...

It sure is the same thing


Anonymous said...

it's just like forcing a baby to smoke or drink. its not like they can stop what they consume when they are in the womb

Anonymous said...

It is hard to quit anonymous, and people dont understand that when they dont smoke. Kudos to you for only smoking a few times a week because i didnt do as well as you :(

Anonymous said...

I smoked before and I quit.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty darn selfish to bring children into the world knowing full well you're not going to give up your nasty habits for the sake of their health. Kudos to you smokers who quit when you found out you were pregnant. That's the best gift you could give your child...the gift of health!

Anonymous said...

Here's a good link:

Anonymous said...

very selfish.. I think that it should be against the law to smoke around kids or while pregnant, while I do agree that it might be a difficult law to enforce especially during the early months, I'm sure with a little research they could come out with some sort of way to protect these babies. I think it's worth the time they might have to put into it.

Anonymous said...

1 or 2 cigarettes a week was fine by my doctor. There's nothing wrong with my baby, my dr actually told me it was good in a way that i did smoke when i was pregnant because my baby would've been too big otherwise. I'm not here to be bad mouthed, I just wanted to offer my opinion. Isn't that what this is for?

Anonymous said...

You make a good point, Kimmy. Unfortunately, I just don't see how it's going to be possible to catch pregnant women smoking or drinking when they can do so in their own homes our out in public and no one would even know they are pregnant. Short of making every woman seen smoking or buying alcohol or cigarrettes take a pregnancy test before their purchase, I just don't see a feasible way of enforcing it. Now the law about not smoking in a vehicle with children would be easier to enforce, and if I remember's already a law in Nova Scotia.

Anonymous said...

Smoking to make sure your baby isn't "too big" is a load of crap and I'm sorry you were fed that lie by your doctor. Shame on him/her!

Anonymous said...

And the dr's do tell you that quitting as soon as possible is a bad idea, that it hurts the babies more...

Anonymous said...

im sorry but i CANNOT see a dr saying oh good thing you smoked or you baby would've been too big. that is horrible. feed your unborn baby drugs so its not too big? i can't see any medical professional saying that! the only way a baby would be too big would be if you had gest. diabetes and in that case it would've been fixed with proper diet. any other reason is just genetics.

Heather said...

any dr would tell you smoking is bad period but quitting sooner rather than later is better...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the truly old school doctors say it, but it's just not true. Do some research and see for yourself!

Anonymous said...

well, what can i say? i don't care who believes me. it's what he said and i know that he said it, so who cares if you don't think he did!!

Anonymous said...

actually if you look on the link that this article is referncing to, on the Gov of Can. site!!! they say that quitting ASAP is best. Research proved it. you can't possibly believe that quitting is bad, think about what you are saying, i am not attacking you. i just can't believe what you are saying!

Anonymous said...

Ok please tell me people don't still believe that stuff about smoking to have a smaller baby and that quitting is going to be too much on them! That's like believing that if you put your hands above your head while pregnant the umbillical cord will wrap around your baby's neck or that baby's need to cry to expand their lungs. Old wives tales and just plain ignorance is what that is!

Anonymous said...

well, since this blog is not for openminded people, and is used for bashing others...i think i'll find a new one...

Heather said...

exactly. perhaps some old school dr's or 'country' drs might encourage to keep smoking but the reality is they are not up the current research and new medical ideas. i am not one to jump on the bandwagon and go along with every new research that comes out but its been proven for a long time now that quitting sooner rather than later IS better for you and the baby!

Anonymous said...

It's not being used to "bash other people"'re being presented with cold, hard medical research supporting that what some doctors say about smoking while pregnant is just plain wrong. If you take offense and feel guilty that you did it, that's your problem.

Anonymous said...

i see bashing and closeminded are all ignorant and won't even listen to what you don't want to hear..

Heather said...

i really don't think anyone is bashing anyone here... there is nothing wrong with debating but if you look at research...which we are backing our opinion with. do you know of any research to back your opinion?

Anonymous said...

No, the issue is you're getting all peeved because something you thought was the right thing to do turns out to have been the wrong thing. LOOK AT THE RESEARCH! You're the one being closed minded because you won't look at the facts right in front of you. The whole reason this law is even being proposed (which is the whole basis for this debate) is BECAUSE of this research!

Anonymous said...

I smoked while pregnant, and will continue to do so

Anonymous said...

Then I hope you feel confident in knowing all the health risks you are forcing upon your child. Did you know that children in utero can develop cancer from their mothers smoking? What a wonderful thing to give to your child!

Anonymous said...

Whether or not a child grows up with a parent that smokes around them depends on the personality of the smoker, if they are a willing to look at the research they will see that smoking kills you and the people around you, If you are a smoker who would like to remain blind to the side effects of your habit, then your children will suffer severly from this. In your belly or in your house.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Amanda!

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone is being directly insulting, I see frustration here, in wanting to protect these babies, that's all.

*Candace* said...

I am apalled that some people are actually argueing for Smoking while pregnant, this is one of the most selfish things a person can do. No I have never smoked , nor will I ever because it's a disgusting addiction/habit, but I do know that I would never sacrifice my baby's health for a selfish addiction(exactly what pregnant smokers are doing) no matter what I had to do to quit ..

Anonymous said...

you guys don't think anyone is bashing others because you are not the one being bashed. This looked like a welcoming environment, so I said my part and instantly ppl jumped all over me...

J MacKenzie said...

anonymous, I will apologize for the group. Thank you for your opinions on this topic, and I hope you will continue to join in on other discussions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jessakah, it means alot. I just feel like a bad person now...

Anonymous said...

We're not insulting, just trying to argue our point...

*Candace* said...

exactly! you need to understand the facts before you make decisions for others

Anonymous said...

This is getting ridiculous! All these people actually trying to say that smoking while pregnant was fine and that their children are fine and then getting upset because they are being shown that it's NOT fine and that it's dangerous and even life threatening? Please! No one can MAKE you feel guilty. If you have a guilty conscience it's because you are feeling badly about something you did...and with good reason if what you're feeling badly about is risking you unborn child's LIFE!

I want to know how all you smokers would feel if the law against smoking in vehicles with children in them actually came into effect. How does a $500 fine sound to you? Or how about $1500 if you're caught twice in the same year? That's what the cost in New York and New Jersey is!

Anonymous said...

Wow, am I glad I missed this debate today lol. Whoever commented first seemed a little cranky about the whole drinking a few beers thing, It's kind of apparent what the writer meant here... She didnt say it's OK, nor did she say that pregnant women should drink AT ALL...

Anyhow, to answer the questions, I think it is so sad to see a pregnant woman smoke. That must be either a truly uneducated woman, naive woman, or selfish woman.

I agree with the commenter who said something like: isnt that like blowing smoke in a babies face. I think that's exactly what it is.

Smoking while pregnant goes hand in hand with people who think smoking in an enclosed room while their child is banging on the door, is OK. Though you may not smell the smoke when you get out of the room, I'm sure someone who just walked in from outside can. And though it may not be smoky the toxins are still getting through the seems of the door.

My 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

I do know all the fact, i've read every post. I understand what you all are saying. When I was pregnant I never missed a dr's appointment, i drank over 2 liters of milk a day and i walked everyday. I never intened on hurting my baby, that was the last thing I ever wanted. I thought smoking only 1 or 2 times a week was better than i was doing b4. Sometimes i'd even go 2 weeks without a cigarette. I tried my best with the little resources i had (no money, living away from my family)...I tried my best...

Anonymous said...

Then you can hopefully see the error of your ways and if there is a next time, you'll know that smoking while pregnant is a major health risk. Consider yourself lucky that your child is not severely ill and didn't die before birth and learn from your mistakes.

Anonymous said...

i only smoked 1 or 2 cigarettes a week, sometimes not even that! when i was in the hospital after having my baby, there was a girl there who went out to smoke every 5 minutes and her baby's lungs weren't developing normally. take your agner out on ppl like that!

Anonymous said...

I'm not angry, just stating the obvious.

Anonymous said...

honeslty i think if anyone that should show you what a gamble it is smoking while pregnant.. i mean...that could have been you and your baby...even with every few weeks..its the same as drinking..its just a gamble..something could go wrong something migh tnot..but its really a risk you want to take is it?

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Why would you want to take unnecessary chances with someone else's life? Especially your own child?

Anonymous said...

ok, i get it, i'm a bad mother!! i suck at everything...enough said

Robyn said...

Wow I actually got though all of those comments... and there are lots.

I will say first I think it has went beyond just arguing a point into name-calling (selfish, etc.) and junk like that which is uncalled for considering we are all mothers here.

Secondly, I do not agree with smoking or drinking while pregnant at all. It can be one drink that causes the harm or the 10th either way there is no set amount so it is best to stay clear personally. I never even took cough drops when I got sick during my pregnancy because I was scared of the effects. I don't drink and smoke now and never have and have no plans on starting. However, I know that many doctors do not stay up to date on information concerning pregnancy because it is only a small portion of their practise and therefore they still hand out old information - such as it is better to smoke then to cause stress of quitting. Those mothers should not feel guilty because you do the best with what you know and when your doctor who you think is someone you can trust is telling you something you feel bad if you don't listen.

On the whole regulating pregnant women smoking ... here i go... I don't agree with smoking or drinking in general as a personal preference. Some people can get abusive when they drink, and alcoholism have been know to break up homes and thats not good for children either. But I know it is my personal preference and I cannot inflict upon others even if they are hurting themselves and their families. We have freewill even if we don't agree with how people exercise it. Furthermore, by taking away the choice to do wrong does not make someone good. Choice is what makes us human. Regulating everything is not the answer and does not make people anymore moral, only takes away the choice to be moral and forces people to do it.

I think doctors need to stay up to date on infomation involving pregnancy and better education on smoking and drinking needs to be given with kindness rather than judgment.

Before anyone jumps down my throat I want to say once more I do not support drinking and smoking while pregnant, but it is not my right to bash those who do.

Sorry if I said anything offensive I just wanted to say my opinion and hopefully I did so in a way that comes off as not being rude.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Robyn I think you make a lot of good thing I would like to touch on though is that it's up to patients to not take everything their doctor says as law. We are all responsible for our own health and well being and just because the "doctor said so" doesn't make it right. Like you said, it's impossible for them to keep up to date on every new recommendation that may or may not come up in their practice. The onus is on the patient to be well informed when making health decisions for themselves and their families. Yes we have to trust our doctors to an extent, but don't take everything they say at face value and not find out anything on your own.

Anonymous said...

That's sad really, that we can't even trust our doctors totally anymore!

Robyn said...

I agree that one should definally keep up to date themselves. I took prenatal classes and Early child hood education classes which dealt with this stuff and read a lot of books on it, but I still believe Doctors need to take some accountability if this is going to be their profession they need to stay well-informed. Many patient have complete and total trust in their doctor.

Robyn said...

I don't think trying to make other mothers feel guilty and bad is the answer at all. I doubt it will help anyone only cause people to be hurt. There are things that every mother does that another might not agree with. As said before... i do not support smoking while pregnant, but nor do i support ganging up on other women to make them feel guilty and like awful mothers, especially like I said there are things every mother does that another mother might see as dangerous or inapporiate, but being made to feel awful over those things seems wrong to me.

Anonymous said...

Right on Robyn! Can't we all just get along and listen to what other have to say?

Anonymous said...

Well there's a difference between listening to what others have to say and sitting here seeing someone blatantly harm their child and not saying anything about it...I don't think that speaking up when someone purposely harms their child is ganging up on someone. It's standing up for a child who cannot stand up for themselves. We wouldn't sit and watch someone beat their child, how is smoking any different?

J MacKenzie said...

Studies also show on the referenced link, that those who smoked more, caused more damage.

To the Anon. Smoker, what you are saying is correct in that, cutting back drastically was better than the alternative of smoking full time.

I think the point that the other Anonymous (wish you guys would leave an initial!! LOL) is trying to make is that it IS best, on a medical health stand point for both mom and baby to stop smoking completely.

Robyn said...

It is the way you are trying to make your point. Name calling and stuff like that is not trying to protect anyone it is rude. Like I said there is stuff that other mothers might not agree with and think that you are causing your child harm. There are many different things I feel strongly about RESP's, proper car seats installed properly, etc. For example, I am pretty strict on what Micah eats and sometimes I cannot get over what some people feed their kids and I see that as harmful and I don't think it is my right to make them feel guilty or call them names.

Like I said I do not agree with smoking while pregnant but I don't have to in force my view with rudeness. Only once did a guy smoke around me when pregnant and we were in his car, I was not rude to him but explained to him why he should not smoke and he put it out. Compassion goes a lot longer then anything else. There is nothing wrong if someone has inaccurate infomation in giving correct infomation. However, I have yet to see how many people's method of addressing the issue with judgement and rudeness have actually helped the baby or the mother.

Heather said...

well i think we've beat this dead horse long enough lol

i honestly myself don't see anything wrong as the very first poster said here sometimes 'scare tactics' of the truth and what can happen works a lot better on people saying saying things in a gentle way. and in my opinion..there was nothing wrong with debating this. nobody was intentionally rude or anything though. if they feel it is selfish to smoke while pregnnat. then is there anything wrong with stating that? no..because as a few other posters feel that they should be able to state how they feel. it works both ways. any posters on here who feel strongly about not smoking haven't been crying about being called close minded and judgemental. it works both ways here. this was posted to debate about and you just really have to take things with a grain of salt. and seriously..if people felt insulted then why keep posting and arguing... this turned quite quickly from an argument about smoking/not smoking while pregnant to a argument on sparing peoples feelings. i personally dont want to feel that i will insult anyone if i post my thoughts and just as equally i should feel that i can state if i don't agree with someone elses opinion. its nothing personal to anyone! lol like someone said to me last night..we don't want an all out brawl at the next playgroup HA HA

Anonymous said...

ok well first of all you people can not judge a woman for smoking while pregnant! im sure u all were far from perfect when u carried your children and trying to scare women into quiting while pregnant won't work, next you all wil be asking it to be illegal for people to smoke in their own homes if their are children in them... i myself am NOT a smoker but my mother smoked while pregnant for both me and my brother and we are both healthy and both over the age of 20!!!!!! we were also both healthy at birth weighing over 8 lbs each! so before you bash other moms for making a choice YOU don't like remember that you probably make alot of choices in the run of a day that other mothers would be absolutly against!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree that smoking when pregnant SHOULD NOT be done.. when i was pregnant with my first child i drank and did minor drugs up until the time i found out (thought) i was pregnant. I'm not proud of it.. all i can say about it is that i didn't know i was pregnant.. i stopped right away and thankfully i have a healthy baby girl. and now i am pregnant with my second child and before i knew i was pregnant i was smoking.. as soon as i suspected i quit.. it was hard.. there were some many times i wanted a smoke... sometimes thinking about my baby didn't stop the need.. so at first i mad sure there was no way i could get one.. meaning if i was going to work i would make sure i don't have money fore them.. or if i needed to take money with me i would just take enough to get what i needed...
and as for smoking in car with children .. i don't think it should be done...
though as for it already being illegal in nova Scotia.. i don't think it is .. unless of course it was passed in the last few months.. i was living in NS for a couple years and haven't heard of it passing.. but i could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

I agree! it's selfesh no matter how you look at it.

Kris said...

I absolutely agree with you. I thought that you might be interested in this: Moms' Second Hand Smoke Exposure Linked to Psych. Problems in Kids.