Toys For 18-24 Month Olds

Plastic tea set or playhouse: Your child will get a kick out of play eating and drinking. And in general, scaled-down toys, from rakes, push brooms, and shopping carts to miniature kitchens, give him or her a chance to do one of the things she loves best — mimic what they see the adults around do and organize their world to his or her own satisfaction.

Large and small blocks: Working with blocks lets your toddler build handling skills by grabbing, stacking, and sorting. Large cardboard bricks easily add up to toddler-size forts and hiding spaces. Small wooden ones can be sorted and organized into any number of original designs.

Toy instruments: Children generally love music and the chance to create their own sound, no matter how cacophonous. Give your toddler a toy guitar to strum or a keyboard to bang on and she'll treat you to many original compositions. Make sure whatever instrument you find has a volume dial you can turn down so that you — and your neighbors — can tolerate those early tunes.

Puzzles: Puzzles are a good way to give your young child little victories — the simple satisfaction of putting something exactly in place is a marvelous thing. Choose puzzles that have very few pieces and are made of thick, easy-to-manipulate blocks of wood.

Illustrated books and CDs: While recorded stories are no substitute for reading to your child, many toddlers do enjoy the novelty of hearing a voice come out of a machine and can appreciate that the voice is new and different. The regular patter of nursery rhymes is particularly pleasing to a toddler's ear. You can get these at the Library :)

Train sets: Your toddler can use new dexterity to link the cars and run the whole train around the house and will love seeing how it can take corners, and the difference between running it over a carpet and across a bare floor.

Washable crayons and paper: Your child is becoming more interested in making their own mark — on floors, walls, furniture. Clear a space for them to work, give him or her a big sheet of paper (tape it to the table) and a couple of crayons (you don't want to overwhelm), and they'll get the idea that art has its place. Hang up whatever your toddler has made for you.


Anonymous said...

For drawing...magnadoodles and aquadoodles are great too and you don't get crayon marks on your walls...doors, toys, dvd player, table, oh boy! PS Mr Clean Magic Erasers are a MUST for toddlers with crayons! I also really like the Crayola twist up ones. Nearly impossible to break or eat those ones!

Heather said...

i have an aqua doodle and they are reallly great

the super thing with annabelle is that she scribble on the wlal then she tried to get a cloth to wash it off herself lol

J MacKenzie said...

We have aqua doodle too, Austin doesn't like it much :s

Anonymous said...

Haha I can so see her doing that! Cole sucks all the water out of the pen and says "mmmm yummy water" There's a really cool Thomas the Tank Engine one I wanted to get him where you use a stamper to make a track and the little train follows it...but we didn't get a chance to because the one he got was a gift.

Heather said...

thats cute! ive seent he singing animals ones with the stamps like that i was going to buy her ariel one but it seemd a bit smaller than the regular one i keep it folded up inside her easel and she takes it out and asks for the pen lol

Anonymous said...

Have you tried a magnadoodle? Cole plays with the bigger ones at the sitter's and he has a tiny one stuck on a Tonka Truck book that he LOVES.

Heather said...

no i have an old school magnadoodle at my moms from when i was little i think the pen being attached to the screen screwed her up i haven't brought it up lately tho i should try it