Toddlers cause millions of dollars in damage

According to a report from Halifax Home Insurance toddlers have caused about 250 million dollars in damage worth of damage to their parent's homes in the past year.

The report revealed that spilled drinks, experienced by 68% of parents, and graffiti (AKA the crayon artwork on your wall), experienced by 65% accounted for most of the damage.

Boys are 20% more likely to get into trouble than girls, from writing on couches to dumping juice on DVD players.

The worst affected homes suffered up to 20,000 dollars worth of damage.

Martyn Foulds, Senior claims manager at Halifax Home Insurance, said: "Toddlers are naturally inquisitive, full of energy and eager to explore the world around them, keeping up with them can be a full time job in itself."

But hey, aren't they worth it?


Anonymous said...

I never claim any of those things, if my child breaks somthing I just replace it.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty funny!