Bleeding belly button

I have a 5 month old and the other day when my husband was bathing him, his belly button started to bleed. Has anyone else had this experience?



Anonymous said...

my son had this.

it's an umbilical hernia.

you will have to take him to the doctor.

Anonymous said...

It's not necessarily anything serious so you probably don't have to go running to the doctor. It could just be a scratch from washing. If it happens again, mention it to your doctor at your next appointment.

Anonymous said...

Also, a hernia is a bulge. If there's no bulge it's probably not a hernia.

Anonymous said...

I think thats pretty old for a bleeding belly button, you should call telecare and give them as much detail as you can. (1-800-244-8353) they will be able to tell you whether or not it is serious, or just a result of a baby playing in his belly button too much.