Screeching- Terrible twos?

"My two year old has started screeching when he gets upset or frustrated. I try and get him to use his words but he just screeches back at me. It has only been going on a few days. Anyone else experience this? Is it normal? And what did you do to stop it? Is this part of the terrible twos or something?




Anonymous said...

this is really common, stay calm and dont over react, it will only fuel the fire, and maybe make him more upset. sometimes they do this to get attention and a reaction is what they want. Assume your son understands more than he is able to say, and explain to him (in a quiet voice to set an example) that screeching hurts your ears and you don't like it. Assume your son understands more than he is able to say, and explain to him (in a quiet voice to set an example) that screeching hurts your ears and you don't like it. Finally, you should just ride this one out. Rest assured that you're not the first, or the last, parent to have a screeching child, and your son will grow out of this behavior--hopefully sooner rather than later!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the terrible 2's to me. We just get down in his face and tell him to use his words and that we don't like when he yells like that and if he doesn't stop, we remove him from the situation or just ignore him.

Anonymous said...

I talked to a friend and an almost 3 year old she knows went through this too. Thanks for your advice too. I just don't know what to do sometimes because it seems like he can control himself, but I will keep trying to encourage him to use his words, and if it gets out of hand and he wont hear me I will just put him in the naughty spot I guess because to me, its important for him to be redirected to the right way to handle it but also to know that it is not allowed. thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I have a child who is just over 3yrs old and he does this as well. He was fine when he was 2 but it seemed like the minute he hit 3yrs he picked up this has been going on since July and we have tried many different things. I would be interested to see what other parents say as well :)

Anonymous said...

ignoring it may not always be possible but give it a shot when you can.

Anonymous said...

When your child shrieks, gently tell him no. Have a sign — like putting your finger to your lips — and then show a different way for him to communicate. For instance: "Do you want to be picked up? Say 'Up, Mommy,'" or teach him to put his arms in the air when he wants to be held.

Anonymous said...

My son is going through this right now too! I tell him no and put him in timeouts! Once I know he has it out of him then I will say ok, tell him why he went in timeout and then act like nothing happened. I dont know if its working or not because he keeps doing it but if I am consistent enough I hope he will get the point that screeching isnt a way to get what you want. :)

Anonymous said...

I dont think that cooing over your tantruming toddler will help your situation any. They will just do it when they want attention instead of trying to get your attention properly. If you child has a problem talking though, maybe they are just frustrated.

Anonymous said...

Hello, it's me the original poster, I just want to update anyone who cares on the status of this situation :P

So,We did decide to stick with the timeouts any time our son started screeching. I don't think he screeched once today!!

It seems like its been fewer and fewer bouts of it over the past week or less. I think he did it for about two weeks.

So I guess as advice to anyone who might be going through this right now I would say: Don't let it get to you too bad because it will pass! just pick a discipline that works for you, whether its distraction or what ever and stick with it! I'm not saying my son will never do it again, but it is a LOT less often lately.

Oh- One thing I want to add is that I made sure to let him know what "screeching" was so when I said, No screeching, he knew exactly what I meant. I actually demonstrated to him so that he knew, I would screech and then say thats screeching, no screeching. Do what ya gotta do right?

Anonymous said...

I would say you have a very emotional child on your hands and it is up to you about what you want to do, but I would suggest trying to prevent it. If he gets upset when you yell no sharply, just try and adjust your tone and explain to him why he can't do that. He is screeching because in my oopinion he sounds frustrated. He is at the age where he knows lots of words but maybe cant yet string them together to tell you something or cant get them out on demand.