When should I start each solid?

My son is 5 months old and he will start solid food soon. I know you have to start with cereal, vegetables, fruits and meat. How long do you wait between them? Thank you!



Anonymous said...

Here's a great chart that I used when we started foods for my son:


And you generally wait 2-3 days before starting new foods to watch for allergies. You don't HAVE to do that, but if an allergic reaction did happen, it's easier to pinpoint what caused it that way.

Anonymous said...

usually about a week between each

Anonymous said...

My Dr told me to wait 3 days in beteen trying different foods. That way if he/she has a reaction you'll know which food the reaction was from.

Anonymous said...

I started my daughter on solids when she was 4 months old, on the advice of my Pediatrician. My daughter had bad acid reflux...we started out with infant cereal.

If you were to contact public health, they are saying to start your baby at 6 months old on Meat first. The best way to get iron is through meats. I did not listen...started with the infant cereals...rice, barley, outmeal and then mixed. Then with the common veggies; carrotts, peas, sweet potato,green and yellow beans etc., and then came the fruits; bananas,apple sauce, peaches, pears etc.,

Start your solids and I was told to wait three days, a teaspoon in the mornings for three days to see if there is a reaction. To be on the safe side I waited five days. Gradually increase the teaspoon to more.

It is all by trial and error. My daughter is 8 months old now and refuses to eat anything with meat in it.

Anonymous said...

The way I did was to introduce a variety of veggie for 3 days, then intro a new veggie for 3 days. Do this for as many varieties you plan on starting with, so say you plan on doing peas, carrots, green beans and squash it should take 12 days. Then do the same with a variety of fruits. I waited 3 days between each to check for signs of allergies and to make sure a bowel movement occurs. I waited until about 7/8 months before introducing meat and then another little bit before dairy such as yogurt. It seemed to work well for me, my daughter eats up everything in sight. Meat was a little bit harder as she wasn't keen on the texture but when mixed with a veggie the problem was solved. Hope that helps! Good Luck