Baby/ Toddler Friendly Yogurt

I know that you are supposed to give non fat free yogurt to babies and toddlers but its sooo hard to find. what brands do you all use? I recently discovered naturalia by danone, and my kids seem to really like it. but they don't seem to always have it, at all the grocery stores. what others are there?



Anonymous said...

I want to add that it is only 2% or something.

Anonymous said...

There are LOADS of kid friendly yogurt out there...Danone makes one called Danimals, yoplait had the yogurt tubes, Mini-Gos, there's a Farmers brand that I know for sure you can get at Walmart, Mini Moos at Superstore. But, there's no "rule" saying not to give them fat free...that's just for milk. They need the extra fat in milk but low fat yogurt won't hurt them.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think the fat was as important as the aspartame. I'm don't know for sure though. I just get ones that aren't sweetened with the artificial sweeteners.

Anonymous said...

Fat free doesn't always mean sugar free have to read the labels.

Anonymous said...

I get the Activia and I have also bought the Danone Creamy when it is sold out. The low-fat version won't hurt them but I agree with others avoid the aspartame. If you are concerned about sugar look at the amounts in the "kids" varieties many of these are loaded with sugar. You will have to become a label reader.

*Candace* said...

I get the mini- chefs brand at superstore (made by presidents choice) it is made with whole milk , real fruit and no aspartame . It comes in either the cups or the tubes ( we freeze the tubes and have them instead of popsicles) i'm not real sure on the sugar content , as i dont have any in the fridge at the moment , but i imagine it's not too bad since it is aparently reviewed by nutritionists to be good for kids ..

Anonymous said...

I've searched everywhere for a whole milk, sugar free variety and finally found one. Dairyland Lil''s made with whole milk and is sweetened with grape juice instead of sugars. The other "child" varieties just had way too much sugar for my liking. The only place I've found the Lil' Ones is at Shoppers drug Mart of all places!

Anonymous said...

they sell little ones at Walmart and Co-op too.

Anonymous said...

There is one kind of yogurt that is 10% fat that you can buy in the organic section at the Superstore. I think it is called Mediteranee.
They have plain and a variety of flavours.
I think you can buy it at Aura Whole Foods as well.