Forum: Too much attention

I just brought my baby home and people are coming in like crazy!! Not only and I tired/busy/bonding but I really cant stand when people kiss my baby but I really dont want to be rude. Did any of you feel this way? what do I say to these people they are my family and close friends after all!! help

-Desperate for advice


Anonymous said...

Hi Desperate,

I know what you are feeling. Although I liked people visiting once in a while, I really wanted the time to breastfeed and bond with my baby, as well as let him sleep. I did NOT like people kissing the baby or holding him without washing their hands. I was very worried about germs/bacteria and the baby getting sick. You have right to be worried and feel the way you do. Just try to maintain your calm! If people come to call, have you partener or someone tell them that you are tired and you and the baby are resting. Also, try not to worry too much, this is a time where you should be happy and focussing on you and you new baby. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

thankfully it has subsided now. I am sure she will get lots of visitors at christmas. I guess I will just have to tell them to bugger off hahahahaha

J MacKenzie said...

try saying something like "I hate to sound rude but, it IS flu season and I would appreciate it if the baby were exposed to as little potential risks as possible." That might be an easy way to let them down and they will hopefully realize that the flu is very dangerous at this time of year, and if they come back with well I dont have the flu, tell them that most people have the virus before they even feel any symptoms and that some people can even pass the virus on to others without getting the flu themselves. :) Hope that helps

Anonymous said...

I also have an issue with people kissing my baby but I try and not be too stuffy about it and I just make sure to wash her face when people leave. If someone is sick they should NOT be coming to your house at all and I think you have a right to tell them so!

Anonymous said...

I understand about the visiting. We let too many people at a time come to see us in the hospital with our first and learned a very valuable lesson. Tell them to visit you at home when you are ready. I think I scared peole with my second though haha but guess what? I felt so much better and feel like I really did get a chance to bond with my son. No matter how many kids you have your Post Partum period is so hectic with your body and new bundle of joy. Dont be afraid to speak your mind in a diplomatic way. After all when they leave you are the one that has to deal with it all again.