Toddler Separation Anxiety

"When I drop my son off at daycare it breaks my heart. He screams and screams for me. This has been going on for a whole two weeks and I am at the point where I am thinking I should quit my job! Everyone keeps telling me it will pass but the daycare workers told me he takes hours to start acting like himself again. I don't know what to do."



Anonymous said...

How old is he? Has he ever been away from you before? Maybe you could try going in with him to get him comfortable and then leave instead of just dropping him off. Have the workers given you any suggestions as to why they think he's having a hard time with it? Did he have a bad experience?

Anonymous said...

He's 1.5... He has been away from me like if I went out to the store and left him with his dad or my mom. I do stay for a little while before I do, I dont just drop him and run out the door. He is OK but clings to me til I leave then he freaks... Same thing this morning. They have not given any suggestions and I think they are getting annoyed. I have a feeling they might tell me he cant come anymore soon. I don't thikn he had a bad experience there because he even did this on the first day. I just don't know what to do about this at all because the workers there are all nice and they do their best so I can see why they are frustrated because they have alot of kids there.

Anonymous said...

I doubt they'll kick him out of daycare for that. I'm sure he's not the first (or the last) child to have attachement issues. You say he's been there for 2 weeks? Give him some mroe time. From your last comment I gather this is the first place in which he's been left with strangers and if he's not been around a lot of children before or really socialized he is probably going to have some issues. Maybe you can get one of the workers to meet him at the door and sort of help him get warmed up to everyone or use a transitional object like a favorite toy or blanket to hug on when you leave?

Tiffany said...

We went through the same thing with Gavin, he would cry so hard he would be sick. We ended up taking him out of daycare and getting a private sitter. Daycare can be very overwhelming for them, and is not always the best choice for every child. Also, if they are getting annoyed with him getting upset when you leave, they are in the wrong profession! I do agree to give it more time though in our experience sticking around before leaving can sometimes make them more upset. I found that with Gavin the best way to do it was to take off his coat and all that, give him a kiss, we always say "bye" so he doesn't think we aren't coming back, tell him we love him and leave. The longer we stayed, the more upset we got, and the longer it took for him to calm down.