Toddler snack ideas

Hi. My son will be 14 months on the 31st of February.I am taking him off baby food.I was just wondering what I can give him for snacks after his meals.Right now he eats his fruit after his meals.I was just wondering if he would choke on fruit if I cut it up.



Anonymous said...

Do you mean the 31st of March? ;)

The only way to know if your child is going to be able to handle finger foods is to give it to him cut up small and see how he does.

At that age, my son was eating just about everything possible in bite size form. Goldfish crackers, mandarin orange wedges, cut up grapes, cheese cubes, Gerber puffs, toast, cut up hard boiled egg...really anything that you can cut up small enough you could try.

Anonymous said...

I always give fruit after meals and if not then my daughter gets them at snack time. Fruits to try are the soft ones like bananas, peaches, etc., I smashed Hanna's up and made them thicker and thicker until now she can take big chunks.

Hanna eats everything now, melons, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, peaches, pears and she is turning 12 months old!

At Giant Tiger I bought a feeding utensil that has a mesh net at the end of it, so I can freeze bananas when she is teething, or ordinary apple pieces etc., the netting allows the baby to eat the food with no big pieces coming out to choke her.

Anonymous said...

These are all foods that you should avoid before the age of 4 :)

* Nuts and seeds
* Popcorn
* Raw vegetables
* Hard or sticky candy
* Chewing gum
* Whole grapes or cherries
* Chunky peanut butter (use the smooth kind instead)

Anonymous said...

Where on earth did you see you should avoid raw veggies before age 4??? Baby carrots, sugar snap or snow peas, string beans, cucumber, tomatoe wedges, broccoli, cauliflower, zuccini slices...all that stuff is perfectly fine to give a child under 4 but perhaps not a 14 month old! I would love to see where that info came from!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was wondering where the raw veggie thing came from to? My daughter was a year on Friday and she has been off of baby food for quite some time. Atleast a couple of months. I was actually quite surprised to hear that a 14 month old is still on it. But she eats everything that we do, if the child has teeth than Im sure they would be fine eating just about everything as long as its quite small.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well it's in case they choke on it. Thats what was recommended to me anyway..