Pumping Milk to Sell?

My friend from out west was telling me that breatfeeding moms out there are pumping so the can get extra milk to sell to other moms I no in some poor countries women do it but why do we need to here do mom really not want to take the time for there babies?



Anonymous said...

I've never heard tell of selling it, but I do know it's illegal to sell any kind of body part or fluid. Are you sure you aren't thinking of donated milk to breastmilk banks? There are breastmilk banks all over the world and are a great resource for moms who can't make milk but don't want to give their babies formula or for babies who are really sick and need the extra nutrition.

Rachel said...

I think that moms who really cared about breastmilk would breastfeed if they could. Those that buy the milk most likely cannot breastfeed for some reason or another but still want what is best for thier babies. It is at least still better than using formula.

Anonymous said...

I know you can buy breast milk online, but I dont think it is women who are just too lazy to do it themselves that are buying it. I think usually that they are women who can't BF, and sometimes adoptive parents, or babies who don't have moms for what ever reason, or even babies who are premature will get it. There may be the odd parent who just wants to buy it instead of doing it. hard to say.

Anonymous said...

I think this a great idea...imagine the possibilities, a mother not able to breastfeed, or maybe someone adopted a child and wants to give the baby breastmilk. It is nice to know there are options, it may not be for everyone as I think it is a very personal decision, but at least there are options.

Anonymous said...

It takes a lot to actually do something like this. Most women cringe at the thought of using a used breast pump let alone letting her baby drink another woman's breastmilk. I just want to say WOW to the women who do this. It is truly women coming together to help one another.

Catherine said...

I think it is a great idea. In Canada it is illegal, but in believe it is not in the states. If a Mother takes her time away from her family to pump milk for someone else. I think she should be paid like a job. It is wonderful that some Mother's who can not breastfeed can purchase that milk. I know in the states their is a federal aid for preemie babies to buy breast milk.

Anonymous said...

I think its a great idea, when i had my children the nurses told me i could have fed a lot of babies. Lets just say i didnt need to use a pump to fill an 8oz within a couple of minutes. If I would have known you could donate milk, i think i would have to help those babies who are adopted or dont have mothers.

Anonymous said...

OMG not breastfeeding your child is NOT the end of the world. Formula is NOT rat poison and babies have and will THRIVE on formula for years. Yes, there are benefits to breast milk especially if you have a premature baby but in all seriousness if you can't breastfeed formula should be seen as a POSITIVE alternative. Society is putting too much pressure on mothers as is and offering breast milk for purchase is going too far.

Anonymous said...

You know what? It's not rat poisoning, and no one said that, but it IS second best. So if you are unable to breastfeed, and want to give your child the BEST, then by all means you should have right to do so. You can buy cows milk, why shouldn't you be able to buy human milk? We are so accustomed to it, that ingesting a farm animals milk has become normal and comfortable, but a humans milk for a baby is not? That is backwards if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

yeah I would definitely NOT give my baby someone elses breast milk. That is totally wrong in saying that just because we drink cows milk, its okay to give our baby someone elses breast milk. So what you would also be saying is because we eat cows it is okay to eat a human? I did not enjoy breastfeeding and do not plan to breastfeed if I have any other children. I do NOT think it is at all a bad thing to NOT breastfeed and would NEVER look down on anyone who didnt. That is like saying someone is a bad person if they take drugs in labour. They give their baby drugs to ease their own pain. Whatever people do is their own choice, I myself could not even see how anyone could give their baby someone elses breast milk. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

I agree .. it is disgusting to give your child someones breast milk! I honestly, want to vomit just thinking about it!!!

I love how breast feeding mothers seem to think they are the best parents in the entire world, because they breast feed. Kudos to you! I have tons of golden stars if your interested in one.

I b'fed my first for 5.5 months. And my 2nd for 6 weeks .. because of a HORRIBLE out break of thrush, that we could not, and i mean COULD NOT get rid of. Does that make me a bad mom? Well, maybe not in your eyes, because at least I tried it, and had an excuse to stop..

However, those who have chosen not to b'feed their babies, I do not look down on you. I feel horrible that some would do that to you. I ended up bottle feeding at some point w/ both my children! However, just because someone did not want to b'feed, does not mean they are selfish, or lazy. Its their choice.

Its our children, our CHOICE. No one here is better than someone else. And as mothers, we should all stick together, whether our babies have been fed formula or breast milk!!