Toddler Dry Hair

"My two year old has really dry hair! Should I be conditioning it?"



The McDonnells said...

You can buy conditioning baby shampoo. I buy mine at the Superstore. It's Teddy's Choice brand (with the Sesame Street characters on it) and it's kind of a pinkish color. I didn't really find it made a whole lot of difference with his hair, but it's worth a shot. It might just be the weather though. Hair and skin are always a lot dryer in the winter time.

If it's chronically dry, it might have something to do with nutrition or a thyroid problem. Might be worth mentioning to your doctor at your child's next regular appointment.

Anonymous said...

I am kind of wondering if diet really might have something to do with it. She loves crackers and toast and muffins and milk. But she doesnt eat a lot of meat. Do you think its a problem?

The McDonnells said...

Well if she's not eating a balanced diet, then that's likely your culprit. You might want to consider giving her a multivitamin if she doesn't eat properly. Flintsones have some great formulas for what children (over 2)specifically lack like for those who don't get enough calcium, those who don't eat enough fruits and veggies, those who don't eat enough meat and those who are sometimes picky eaters. We use the picky eaters one.

Anonymous said...

What do you think she is lacking that can make her hair dry?

The McDonnells said...

I'd guess fats...alot of which you get from meats and fish.