Pregnant Man, says he's due in July

An American man who used to be a woman says he's more than five-months pregnant with a girl.

Thomas Beatie, a transgendered man who lives in Oregon, tells his story in a first-person account published in The Advocate -- a magazine for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people.

In the story, Beatie reveals that he is legally male and married to a woman named Nancy.

"Sterilization is not a requirement for sex reassignment, so I decided to have chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy but kept my reproductive rights," he says in the article.

Beatie said he stopped taking his testosterone injections to get pregnant. He claims to have already gone through an ectopic pregnancy.

Beatie, who got pregnant through home insemination, said it was a "life-threatening event" that resulted in the loss of all the embryos (he had triplets) and his right fallopian tube.

Now, his second time getting pregnant, Beatie says the pregnancy is free of complications.

"How does it feel to be a pregnant man? Incredible," he says in the article.

"Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am."

The estimated due date is July 3, 2008.



Anonymous said...

I have to say that this is pretty disturbing to me. If a woman is going to "become" a man I think "she" should not have any more woman organs. This is so wrong.

The McDonnells said...

What in God's name is the world coming to...

Anonymous said...

This is absolutly sickening to me. As a mother of 5 I dread what crap my children have to face in the ever declining moral society we live in!!! I agree with both posted statements...what is our world coming too... and definatley if a person wants to choose a sex opposite of the one God gave them then they should do it completly...not try to have the "best of both worlds" so to speak!!! Just extremly disturbing!!! I have to wonder if any thought went into what stigma this child will be brought into the world under... birthed by his "FATHER"???!!!!

Anonymous said...

He's supposed to be on Oprah tomorrow (Thur)

Anonymous said...

will it be a c section?

Anonymous said...

Granted this is a bit weird, but I can think of many women who should not have been allowed to have babies (Juli-Anna's mom comes to mind). Lots of men make great moms. I wonder, however, what the effect the hormones will have on his transgendering... his body is likely going to be much worse off than the child. There are lots of Mr. Moms out there who do just fine.

Anonymous said...

I watched him on Oprah...he's not planning on being "Mr Mom". He's going to be the father and his wife the mother. She couldn't carry the baby because she had a hysterectomy before. He's only transgendered, he didn't have an operation other than to have his breast tissue removed. It's still very weird to see a pregnant man though! I think that if you decide you want to be a man instead of a woman, or vice versa you shouldn't get to live the best of both worlds. Choose one or the other and stick with it!