When paternity is uncertain


Do you believe if a woman is uncertain of the paternity of her child that she should let all parties know, if the "dad" has no idea and believes he is the father? Does it make a difference how old the child is/how long the thought believed father has been the father figure?


Anonymous said...

If the father in the picture is a good one then let him be and don't say anything, I think. Age shouldn't be a factor because with some men the moment they lay their eyes on a baby the just love them to pieces so why break a heart when you dont even know how the other person (other man) would react.

Anonymous said...

I think the father should definitely be told that he may not be the father. That is like saying that if when you had your baby somehow they got switched and the nurses found out.Wouldnt you want them to tell you the child wasnt yours? i know I would. That is just wrong not telling someone that they may not be the father. I think he should be the one to choose if he wants to find out or not, And if he truly loves the child then it will not matter to him of he is/isnt the father.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone keep that a secret? I would feel so guilty it would eat me up till one day I would explode. I no many couples cheet these days and for some strange reason we just except that, I think you should keep your legs shut unless its your spouse.

The McDonnells said...

I think that both the child and the father (or potential father, or father figure in the picture, whatever) deserve to know the truth. There could be sever repercusions for being dishonest in a situation like this. What if there was some kind of genetic disorder or some kind of hereditary condition that the child ended up with? You'd have to know both sides' family histories and not being truthful about who the father is (or could be) could be very dangerous. If you made enough mistakes to get you into a situation where you were not sure who fathered your child, you should at least have the maturity and reasoning to own up to your mistakes and make them right. There are lots of men out there who are much better fathers to their partner's children then the child's own father could ever dream of being. If he loves you and loves your baby, it's worth it to be upfront and honest and work through it together. If you split up because of it, then you split up because of it and if not, then you just might be a stronger couple for having faced it head on and worked through it.

Anonymous said...

one of my friends cheated when her relationship with the father of her first child was on the rocks. now they have two kids and the second one looks like the other guy. knowing this family I think if it were in fact the son of the other guy ti would rip them apart so I think that some things are better off to be left alone as they are for all the people involved. plus this guy she cheated with is his friends and is a loser!

Anonymous said...

First of all, I don't think any of us have the right to judge someone. It would be like us trying to tell someone whether or not they should breastfeed, or what they should do with their life ..

Personally .. I think it should be based on the situation. It's one of those things, that unless you are in that situation, you would have no idea what you would you! You may sit here and say "Oh I'd do this, or I'd do that" .. but until you're there, I think all you can do is just assume what you would do ..

People make mistakes, we are all human. You can't sit here and say "well she should have kept her legs shut" well obviously that's the easy suggestion. But as I said, depending on that persons situation, and what they are going through .. once again, we don't have the right to judge.

As someone stated earlier .. if the person who is the "father" biological or not, LOVES that child, and is a good father, then why would you chance ruining a child's life, and a whole families life, because YOU messed up (horribly)? why should every one else pay?

There are sooo many factors to consider in a situation like this. Whether or not the "other" person would even want to be a father. That other person could just say "hell with it" I don't want this kid, heres some money, be gone. And your child is left with NO father, and has to pay for your mistake...

Family history is very easy to find out .. and honestly, thats a cop out.

Its a very horrible and sad situation to find yourself in.