Period while breastfeeding?

Not that im complaining but I just wondering when I will get my period? I am breastfeeding and she is 6 months old now. Do you get it at all while your breastfeeding?



Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that it appears to be different for each woman. I got my period when my daughter was 4 months and I was breastfeeding, but with my son, I didn't get a period until he was 10 months old and I was only nursing him about 4 times per day at that time. But then I didn't get another period til he turned 12 enjoy it while it lasts!!

Anonymous said...

I think not only is it different for every woman but it is different depending on how often you are breastfeeding.

I didn't get mine (if I remember correctly) till about 3 weeks after I stopped BF'ing

The McDonnells said...

It really depends on how often you're nursing and if you're using bottles and pacifiers. If you're using artificial nipples you might find it comes back sooner. My son I had it back when he was 7 months and he took bottles but I only got it every other month and it was horrendous. With my daughter it came back at 9 months and it's been every month so far but very light.

Anonymous said...

ok thanks I just want to have an idea of when to expect it. It just seems weird not having it for this long and I was starting to wonder about being pregnant.

Anonymous said...

You very well COULD be pregnant... not that you are. *kidding* But breastfeeding does not protect from pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Yes I did no that. I do have a doctors apt soon so I guess I will find out for sure then.