
I would say my son is "daytime potty trained" but he never poops in the potty, how can I get him to? And I am still putting pull-ups on him for naps and bed-time. How and when should I cut out the nap-time pull-up?


Anonymous said...

I am going through the exact same thing! My daughter is potty trained for peeing, but not for pooping. She absolutely REFUSES to poop on the potty, she will actually cry for a diaper or pull up to poop in. I'm at a loss... I don't want to force her and make her become afraid of the toilet/potty... but I just don't know what to do. We've tried our best to bribe her, telling her that when she poops on the potty we'll take her to get a treat AND a toy, she gets excited but then when it comes to sitting on the toilet/potty she'll start to freak out and ask for a pullup.
I really don't know what to do!

Anonymous said...

See with us, its not that he doesnt want to, he just doesn't if that makes sense.. lol. He doesnt tell me when he has to pee, I just know when he does so I put him on the pot. So he certainly wont tell me when he has to poo. I am wondering if I should just leave him on there for a while at about the time of day when he poops in his pull-ups. He pees right away when I put him on there, so I dont want to create bad habits of him sitting there for long periods of time, but I dont know how else to encourage it. I have tried telling him too that he will get TWO stickers when he poops on the potty and he gets excited about that, but doesnt go... so I dont know.

And about the nap time, I am wondering if I should get a protective cover for the mattress and make sure he pees before hand at naptime, and let him go without? Has anyone else tried this and been successful? I just dont want him relying on the pullup at naps.

Anonymous said...

Boys bladders take longer for them to control then girls so I have been told anyway. I would wait till he is in full control of his bladder before taking the pullups away during nap or bed time because he is likely to pee. As for pooping well I took him to the bathroom with me a few times to show him everyone poops I no how it sounds but it worked another thing is to not make a big deal of him pooping in the diaper by you making a fuss because you have to change him he it more likely to hide and poop and you want to tell you that in its self is a start. I hope this helps

*Candace* said...

Yes i have this problem too , well not the pooping on the potty one ...She will poop &pee on the potty when she's awake (she says "i pee" no matter whether she needs to pee or poop) but i have no clue how to get her to stay clean during naps & night time so i always put a pullup on her ..if anyone has figured this out let me know!!!

Rachel said...

With my son, he was fully potty trained for wetting, but not for pooping so we started a reward chart. This was one of the categories for which he could get a reward. We started with a reward if he pooped in the toilet 3/7 days, then increased the days needed each week to get a reward. We mostly bought him hotwheels or let him rent a movie, bought a book, etc. This worked very well for him and he liked putting on the stickers. That said, he still wets the bed every night. He just can't seem to wake up. This is normal, but annoying since we try not to buy pull ups since this will encourage him to pee in them and not go to the toilet.

Anonymous said...

He WILL tell me AFTER he goes, "I peed" he says... Yeah, I see that. LOL. I don't know that there is anything I can do. Sometimes if he doesn't nap during the day he will just go in the morning in the pullup before he gets out of bed... nice eh?

Maybe it is one of those things I will just have to wait on.

Candace if you have her peeing and pooping in the pot I would just have her sit on it right before her nap and right after she gets up. Go in the moment you hear her in there and put her on it. She might get it that way.

Anonymous said...

I know it sounds harsh, but I made my daughter sit on the flush when she said she had to go poop. She cried and screamed, but after the second time, she realized that it wasn't that bad. We don't have a problem with that anymore, I actually wish I had done it sooner!! We are in the process of night time training right now. She has an accident maybe every 3 or 4 nights, but I don't get mad or disappointed when she does. I just tell her it's ok, and she'll learn and we'll try again tomorrow. But we make a really big deal when she wakes up dry. (REALLY big deal, like High fives and a little dance party lol) It seems to be working for her though.