Toddler won't eat solids/ won't take sippy cup

My daughter just turned 2 and she is still eating puree foods.. she will eat her fruits whole (loves them) but if we try to give her something that we are eating, eg. chicken, pasta, any meats, cheese, she will have a fit! I have tried to stick to my guns and leave her there til it is gone, but all she does is cry (almost fearful) for the whole time she is in her chair, (15 mins or more) She does eat yogurt.

Also she will not give up her bottle (milk) only has it at bedtime. I have tried her with sippy cup etc... and she wouldn't take it. she went a whole week without drinking it. And I mean she will not even try it.

any suggestions.. on what I can do..



J MacKenzie said...

Wow, ok so do you live at my house? LOL.

No but seriously, my son is the same way as your daughter as far as the eating goes. He doens't eat purees but prefers to stick to crunchy or smooth foods, though he will eat muffins and toast, etc.

I have done sooo much reading up on it and what I have come to the conclusion of for my son is that he is hyper sensitive. He hates certain textures of food but we are working on that and making progress. He also hates getting his hands or face sticky or dirty. We are working on, and making progress in this area too.

All I can tell you for sure without knowing any more about your daughter, is that with my son, the whole eat what is placed before you or nothing at all thing does NOT work. He is not picky, he is a resistant eater. That method might work with picky kids but not resistant kids.

The only way you are going to get a toddler to try new things is NOT to push it or make a big deal about it, and offer it over and over.

Anonymous said...

Apparently there is such a thing as feeding therapy. Maybe you should ask your doctor about it?

J MacKenzie said...

I have never heard of that before, but there is lots of good information online. Try google'ing resistent eater.