Babysitting Woes

Hi Moms, I need some advice!

Recently I have started babysitting 2 kids; both around the same age as my son (22 months) and we have been running into some problems with hitting, biting, pushing, shoving...etc. Now dont get me wrong I know this is "normal" kid behaviour and they are still learning but what Im having problems with is controlling it. I mean I feel like "No" just isnt enough, id be better off talking to the walls lol. I watch them closely and always intervene when one or the other is taking toys or getting ruff towards the other. I feel like my son is sometimes scared of the other kids because hes been bitten and shaken so many time. He never stands up for himself and is usually the one on the receiving end of the hitting and biting. (i know he has his faults too and does his share also but I guess my motherly instincts are kicking in here)

I started babysitting so that my son would have a chance to interact with other children, however somedays I feel as though its not worth it...I would be better off taking him to playgroups etc. Im running out of options and just dont know what to do. Ive talked with both sets of parents and they are aware of whats going on. So do I continue working through this ...even though my son has been bitten to the point that there are bruises and blood...or do I call it quits and say enoughs enough????

Thanks for letting me vent and ask questions!!
- Jen

1 comment:

Jo-Anne said...

I get where you are coming from,and I have been through the same thing before. What I use to do with the kids(even though they may not talk completely yet) is to teach them how to use their use words instead of their hands and mouths. It may sound crazy but i worked in a baby room and we actually started there. And I use to get into big trouble when i would use the word NO. So i had to start saying different things and it did actually work, it took some time but it was worth it. I hope this made sense. It hards to explain some of these things. If you need any other ideas just ask away, i learned at lot from working in a daycare, having a dayhome and taking my ECE courses.