Regent Street Daycare

Does anyone have any experience or reviews about Regent Street Daycare? I may be taking my one year old there and would love to hear about others opinions or experiences. Thanks!



Anonymous said...

I can't believe they expect kids to lie on a mat if they aren't sleepy!? I don't think that's right at all. Kids have different sleep experiences at home, I take my son to his daycare a little later in the morning because I work later and so he sleeps in late - if he's not tired at nap time I would be furious at a day care facility that would insist he lie on a mat or cot.
In our daycare if children do not want to nap, or if parents do not want the child to nap, they are moved into a different classroom for playtime.
Their policy is absurd and to me speaks volumes of the facility.

Anonymous said...

what daycare do you use? i am looking for a new daycare myself because of this 'rule' i am a single mother and go to university. so i pick her up early from daycare normally and do my homework at night when she is in bed.... so this forced nap just really won't work with our routines at home...

Anonymous said...

I go to the Preschool Centre on Windsor street because I work at the University. It is the BEST and I love them there. They do alot of activities with the kids and have a fantastic menu! Give them a call! they are switching the kids into their new rooms in September!

Anonymous said...

I sent my son to Regent Daycare when he was 3 by recommendation from a friend. He was almost potty trained so I didn't send any diapers because he used the potty during the day at home and made them aware of that. After them reassuring me that they would help potty train while he was there, he would come home wearing a diaper they put on him and I would get letters saying he needed to bring in diapers!! He started to rely on them again and didn't fully potty train until he was almost 4 -- two months after I took him out of there.

They do provide healthy meals. And they make sure the kids wash their hands and brush their teeth before and after meals... but your kid MUST nap. I stopped giving him naps at age 2 because he would be up all night, but they still made him lay down for the hour or two.

They don't go on many outings as a group, but if they do some teachers have been known to use taxis. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does not feel safe with their child riding in a taxi without a carseat..

I also didn't like the fact that there was too much unstructured play time and movie watching, I don't feel my son learned anything while being there.

It's a shame that there's not too many daycares in this city that take care of one year olds.. I myself need to start looking around for my youngest son next year.

Anonymous said...

They are open great hours, from 7am-6:30pm.

Anonymous said...

They have their own kitchen so food is prepared there. And the meals are healthy, mainly consisting of vegetables and fruit. You'll also get a monthly letter with a list of the foods they serve and what day they will be served.

Anonymous said...

They actually dont make them nap if they are not tired. My daughter went there and if she wasnt tired one day, they would take her to play in another room and sometimes they would even take a couple of them outside if they did not want to nap.

Anonymous said...

I would not reccomend this daycare to anyone. My son attends it, only for 2 more weeks thankfully, and i am very dissapointed with the way it is run. He comes home DAILY with multiple bite marks, and the teachers have no explination of what happened (or incident reports). i understand children bite, but for it to be happening multiple times everyday the supervision must be minimal. I have also seen them use diapers from another child to change the children on multiple occasions, as well as walked in on them giving my one year old son pepsi from their bottles. Overall, I would re-think sending your child to regent st.

Anonymous said...

I work at Regent Street Daycare, and for the amount of time I have been there, I have seen great care given to all the children. I love working there, the kids are great! When it comes to naptime, if the children don't nap, we do play quietly with them, whether it be playing with toys, or reading to them, etc. Toys are sanitized at least once daily, so that should soothe some people's consciencous. At least in my classroom anyway. I like it there, and I plan on having my child go there someday as well. The people are really nice and the ciriculums thats some classes have are great as well. But then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that a daycare that has been around for 30 years , has always put the children first ,has healthy meals and snacks and never has a problem getting their yearly registation renewed is the same daycare mentioned here.
Maybe there are two regent Daycares or maybe some bitter people with an axe to grind are just hoping to slander the daycare due to a past problem or rumor of a problem.My vote is for one daycare at 827 Regent Street.
If you want the true facts call Family Services they will be happy to give them .I do not think anybody there has the name ananymous so you can believe what they say .(and by the way,the ratio with the children is priority one or else they would be shut down.)

Anonymous said...

I also agree that if someone actually saw the teacher giving their baby pepsi in a bottle that they would remove them and not just pass it off as nothing happened. I know that if I ever witnessed that with any of the children I would question the staff and go straight to the office. My daughter attended there not long ago and I know the teachers in the baby room (which would be the only room where they would have bottles) and I do know for sure that the teachers in that room would NOT give a baby pop. The teachers in the baby room have been there for many years, in fact one has been there with the babies for almost 14 and the other for over 5 so I think they would know better, actually I KNOW they would know better!!! The teachers in that room are AMAZING and you can tell they LOVE the children so much!! My daughter always loved going there!! The main reason that I switched her daycares was because of the price, it is probably the most expensive daycare, you have to bring their own milk and the one she switched to was much more convenient for us. Regent was way out of the way!! If I ever do have any other children though, I would for sure want them to go there, atleast while they would be in the baby room.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if the staff eat McDonald's,is that not there choice. I am positive that if you walked in on a staff eating McDonalds that it was probably a special treat that the whole class was involved in. The staff probably didn't have time to eat it with them because she was busy watching the children. And one more thing how in the world would you know they were drinking Pepsi, the last time I had McDonald's the cups were not see through. Another LIE I am sure!

Anonymous said...

I beleive the best advice would be to ask for references from parents who have or have had children at this facility. Be specific. Ask which room the child attended and how that child was treated. As with any establishment, the treatment will differ from room to room. The comment about the room with the teachers that have been there for 14 years and 5 years is very flattering to the daycare, however it is noted there are unflattering comments about some of the rest of the facility. Since the personal attention to the children SHOULD BE the number one priority, this is what you should be looking for.

Anonymous said...

I also work at regent daycare and this daycare is far better than some daycares i have work in fredericton/oromocto area.It is true about the Canada's food guide, we have to follow it or their would not be any food served at the daycare. I went to school for 2 years, to be came an E.C.C.E(Early Childhood Care and Educator) and it wasn't the easliest course going. We are not just babysitters, we are their to help your child/children along with development skills,problem solving, self concept and teach them about themes (ex.colours, fall , winter,etc...).The list can go on. The main point is, if you don't feel that your child/children are not learning anything or being taken care of, Why do you have them in Daycare? just take them to babysitter so they can sit on their butts in front of the t.v. all day. Yes, i am a young mother of one child and i am trying my best to get my child in daycare but like people said "every daycare in fredericton/oromocto area has a very long waiting list".
This is for the parent that the child is done in 2 weeks, Why don't you take your child to your own daycare in the first place? If you have done that in the first place, you wouldn't have to make bad remarks about ours. Thank you for parents comments but please remember that if anyone have problems about any daycare they should talk to the manager resolve the problems.

Anonymous said...

Just to let everyone know, it was the teachers letting him drink out of their bottle of pop, not his own bottle, and i did bring it to the attention of administration and unfortunatly as a single parent it was impossible for me to stay home with him until i got him out of the daycare. I didn't share my experience with the daycare as a means of getting drama started, or to thought of as a bad parent. I just thought other's who were considering the daycare should know!..considering thats what the topic was about?

Anonymous said...

The baby room is awesome, the staff are great with the babies, they show them as much love and care as if they was there own baby. Its was nice to walk out of the day care knowing my baby was happy, and it was nice when my baby reached out for the staff and did not cry, thats love..there are also bottles in the toddler room, i would say the girls in the baby room would never give a baby pop. if the girls need a drink go for it, they deserve a drink in the day, most of us probably do. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GIRLS( baby room). I also took my baby out do to the high price.