C-Section Recovery

I ended up with an emergency C Section. Afterward I could not get out of bed without someone pushing me from behind. I was given strong painkillers which made me not care about the pain but I could still feel it. And now three months later, I am still aching and my stomach muscles are weaker than in my final week of pregnancy.

RECOVERY? How can I speed my recovery?

VBAC? My baby's head was 50th percentile. Should I just schedule a C Section next time?


Emilie said...

I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time with recovery from your c-section. It does take a while to get over. I had a c-section with my first daughter. She was breech. I have had 2 VBACs since then. It sounds like you are worried about the size of the head - my VBAC kids rated between 75% and 90% on the scale, and I had no tears with either. Size doesn't matter too much in this case :) I found the VBAC very healing. I always recommend getting a doula to help you through the VBAC labours. They make a huge difference. Also, some good reading for your next pregnancy - The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth (Henci Goer), Silent Knife, www.vbac.com and www.ican-online.net

Anonymous said...

That's awful I hope you are better now. Any update?