Naps at 3 Months

I am a mother of a 3 month old girl. I am breastfeeding and am wondering about naps. She naps 3 times a day (between each feed). She goes to bed around 8pm and sleeps until 8am getting up once or twice to feed. She normally goes right back to sleep during the night. When should I expect her to only nap once or twice a day.



Anonymous said...

My daughter started napping twice a day around 4 months and then once a day around 8 months. Every baby is different though, some of my friends babies took naps twice a day until they were over a year old.

Anonymous said...

Wow, You are lucky! My baby is 4 1/2 months and screams her head off whenever I set her down. She naps three times a day, for between 10 and 30 minutes. She screams from 7:30 pm until 1;30 am (but recently it has stopped around midnight) She sleeps from then until about 8 am. then the cycle returns. My other daughter slept around 22 hours a day until 5 months old, then had two naps a day until she was 9 or ten months, the 1 nap until she was 1. After one, she refused any more naps. She only took one one time after her first birthday, and that was bc she was fighting a big bad fever of 103. hope this helps. Good luck. by the way, how do youo put your baby to sleep? sing, while feeding, rocking, llet her scream til exhausted? I need help. this is ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

My 4 1/2 month old girl naps twice per day. But they are very quick naps - usually only 45 minutes maximum.

To the second poster - my little girl used to do the exact same thing...scream her head off from 7pm - midnight or so and then go to sleep. I read somewhere that if the baby was fussy at the same time each night like that it is because you missed her bedtime and she's become overtired. She needs to go to bed before the screaming starts.

So, I started a routine - bath, pajamas, lights off, feed bottle in her dark room and then bed. She's now in bed by 7:30pm and sleeps until 7am without waking. I was absolutely amazed! No more screaming evenings.

She was also very fussy during the day, so I had her adjusted at the chiropractors. Much, much improved...I would highy recommend that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the responses, they have helped. My daughter does sleep well at night (10-12 hours) so I have stopped fretting about naps so much. She will sleep some but certainly not much. To get her to sleep at night I do let her fall asleep while breastfeeding. I know that I am not suppose to but it works. During the day she usually falls asleep in her bouncy chair or I rock her to sleep. I hope things get better for you. Thanks again.